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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Capn81

  1. Ah, I never know if it does! I have never paid any attention to rep.
  2. My team is hitting .191 this week. Cool cool.
  3. I just paid baboontyme. I had not checked on the thread in some time. My bad all.
  4. I am glad that all of us in this thread cannot be called bandwagon fans. We were fans way before anyone else.
  5. I hear you. I also cringe this time of year as it feels like it take 3-4 starts to feel confident in SPs and their pitch counts.
  6. Scherzer had a great last inning. Woof
  7. I wonder if he just assumed he was being held? It looked like he maintained his speed, but he was for sure was not going 100%.
  8. Yeah, I would drop trout if I were you.
  9. The Draft is about how it always goes for me. Some good, some bad. The biggest question for me every year is who do I give up on early that bites me in the ass later?
  10. Well we might have a team that will need managed. Maybe we can arrange some players somehow, if needed.
  11. Do we hold off until Tuesday or Wednesday night to draft to try to find one more? Or just roll it? I am good any of those ways.
  12. I enjoyed the limited time that I got with the beta. I tried to play enough to get a feel for it, but I did not want to play too much before actual release. I will play a bit more this weekend as well, but will keep it brief.
  13. Well, Walker is not helping himself out at the moment. I heard on the Locked on pod that he is 1 for 18 hitting lefties this spring training. That might just be the ammo needed to send him down. I guess he hit over 300 against lefties all last year, but still hit 280 or so against lefties.
  14. The 26th works me too. How about 730 or 8pm Central?
  15. It appears that K/9 are in the K/BB, and trade deadline last day of July. Draft date and time?
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