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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Capn81

  1. Are we bringing in any new rule/lineup changes for the year? I could not remember if we talked about changes last year or not.
  2. Can I ask why? This is how we have played all year. Washington is a veteran team. We do not have a solid offensive line, receiving crew, and we have severe depth issues on defense. Not to mention, we lack top talent at many positions. This is going exactly how I thought it would. Not sure why anyone really was expecting things to be different.
  3. It does not matter. Have you seen them get whatever they hell they need?
  4. You have seen us play and you were really thinking that? Really?
  5. Their lines are vastly better than what we have.
  6. Have you seen Our shitty offense? Then add in losing our two top runners.
  7. We have no power backs left. Might be a big issue next year.
  8. I like where you are going with this take. But maybe one punt late in the Natty for the lulz.
  9. Same thing that I have seen. Killed any chances I have had to compete so far.
  10. This sucks, but yeah, they have to move on from Danny. He needs to get his life in order.
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