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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Capn81

  1. That was the worst play call that I have seen in awhile. Everyone knew it was coming, and you don’t have the size or athleticism to convert it. Stupid.
  2. This cannot be stressed enough. We are in trouble if they leave.
  3. I agree 100%. Mensa needs to get out of the way and let a real OC do their work.
  4. You can tell that he is an idiot by the over use of exclamations. Not sure if that is meth or just being a Fucking a moron.
  5. Sick burn. Anybody got any burn gel? Fuck off you dunce.
  6. Can you guys imagine how much of a dumb fuck you have to be to go to other teams boards? I mean, you know that this guy is circle-jerking with his buddies about how cool it is. It is always good to remember how the other half lives.
  7. Nut up you pussies. I am referring to our team and you bitches that are saying this ones over.
  8. This is the only correct response.
  9. Has to be sooner than later. Has a new arena that needs built.
  10. I have never seen a worse offensive coach in history. I mean, his teams are just abysmal.
  11. Lulz. I agree that the couch burners have been fun to watch.
  12. You being upset that someone says fuck them is pathetic. They are the new Aggie.
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