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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Capn81

  1. I shouldn’t, but will be back.
  2. For me, they are rarely about football. They may start off that way, but veer all over the place. I understand that there is no better place for them. Just use some Fucking creativity.
  3. Can we force thread name changes? That shit is out of hand on the football board. Maybe one week suspension for anyone that starts a new thread with “Tell me about...” in the thread title.
  4. I get every damn one of the preseason magazines because I am a degenerate. Every year, I end up questioning why I buy anything other than Phil’s magazine. Love his content.
  5. If anyone needs SBs, I have Turner and Marte on the block. Looking for RPs.
  6. Capn81

    FIFA 18

    I knew nothing about soccer when I first played FIFA. I think that it is pretty intuitive, and you will be able to work yourself through the difficulty levels as you learn. Just my 2 cents. The lower levels allow you to mash the speed burst to get around the CPU. As you advance up, you have to start to pull back on the sprint button and look for lanes to pass. It all comes together IMO.
  7. Capn81

    FIFA 18

    I agree that there is an element where the game feels dirty. I wish I could figure out a set of sliders that would offset, but I can never find a happy medium.
  8. Ok. I just took the screenshot of what I was seeing in Tapa, so I was not sure if it would look ok.
  9. What is odd is they BO got it to work last time by doing the same thing that I had done his time. Would it be cached on my Tapa if I posted it on my computer? Not the most computer literate person, but I can see it at work on Tapa. Posted from home PC earlier.
  10. I am at a loss. I can still see everything on my end.
  11. Interesting. I can see it on my PC, iPad and phone. Anyone else not able to see it?
  12. Let me know if you see any errors. I did this one quickly
  13. South Bend is not the greatest place. I was shocked on my first trip to ND that we could not find cold beer at the local liquor store. We learned to make sure to bring our own for tailgating after the first mistake. Cool campus that you need to walk through at least once. You can achieve this by parking in the far grass lot. With that being said, we now pay for the parking that is right next to the stadium. Leaving the games are always a huge clusterfuck.
  14. Great advice. I just had to give my stepdad the same kind of pep talk.
  15. I knew...just thought I ended up on TexAgs with all this good season talk.
  16. Please let us win this one. Hook Em!
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