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Everything posted by CB'sGotMeLit

  1. Instead of reading the cliff notes, throw on his huddle and take a look for yourself. The kid is a great slot, good hands, great ball awareness, makes tough catches in traffic, and can make guys miss after the catch. He would be a great slot for this offense, and we would be lucky to have him.
  2. Explains the avatar.
  3. Lmao, Karen was even a bagman for her ex husband.
  4. He should be at SMU. I just don't see it with him - like I said, watch Buechele's highlights (which was against top tier HS football, not going to play the Catholics and Jesuits), and tell me who you want. I'll take Buechele.
  5. I love Sam and why he takes the contact makes me love him even more. He's not going to out run you, he's probably not going to shake more than one guy, but rest assured at the end of the run he's going to try to run your ass over and push forward. But even Sam can't take that pounding for a year without getting banged up and nicked; he's always an Iowa St. hit on a 3 and 14 scramble away from having that shoulder take a shot. I love Colt, but even he found out pretty quick what happens when you lower your shoulder inside. Stone's not built for that - he's not fast enough to out run a McCulloch or Ossai to the boundary, so he's going to get pushed inside. Once he gets in there, he's going to take his fair share of hits from corners, safety's, nickels, lb'ers, and most will be faster than him. Milroe can bounce it outside and beat a lb'er or corner to the boundary, he can take it inside and outrun or shake a lb'er. So that leaves us with his mechanics, which I don't think are that great. Everything is from below the ear, 3 quarter motion, he has to load low because he lacks the arm strength. I'll take Milroe, who already throws over his ear and snaps the football. I think Buechele was every bit the quarterback Stone is, and I think Buechele threw a better ball and had better mechanics than Stone at that age. Watch Buechele's senior tape versus Stone and you tell me who you'd rather have. In our system, it's not even close between Stone and Milroe.
  6. I can refine Milroe's mechanics, but I can't teach Stone the quickness and overall speed of Milroe. Stone is competing against bad competition; half of the scramble plays on his tape would be sacks against better players. He's not anymore athletic than Sam, which means he's going to take shots running the ball just like Sam does. The problem is, he's not built like Sam. Milroe's a bit lighter than Stone right now, but guys that are that athletic and quick twitch like Milroe rarely get hit square. Milroe's right out of the Greg Ward/D'Eriq King mold and would be a perfect fit for this offense.
  7. And tell Sara to keep her tree loving mouth shut.
  8. You take these threads way too fucking serious man. It's fun; the same guys you "report" while being a hall monitor bitch are the same guys you interact with on a daily basis. You have way too much of your self worth wrapped in this recruiting deal.
  9. If they're asleep, is it polite not to wake them up?
  10. Damn this rapin stuff is confusing.
  11. In Katid's defense there was the Zimmerman Telegram.
  12. So don't rape during thunderstorms. It's only sexual harassment if they're not hot. If she's ugly, go to the police, if she's hot say thank you. Don't rape in front of Sgt. Slaughter. Alright I think I got it, let's get this Friday started. Thanks guys.
  13. So before I start my weekend - rape is bad right?
  14. Fuck the paste. I want chutney that looks like churrasco. Her Mom was native, cooked for others and worked from scratch. That's the thing about you Indians - the good ones don't cook for restaurants, they cook for families and vend on the side.
  15. So in interest of 1k pages, why can't Indian restaurants in Houston get chutney right? I dated a Gujarati for 2 years, her mom made chutney with the pulp. All's I get around Indian restaurants is a ranch chutney. Where do I go?
  16. You're a whiny bitch sometimes, but you're my Hindu man. That's the Maker's talking.
  17. Gotta give it to EJ - outsourcing his Periscope summarization to India was a great move.
  18. Sheep pussy is like eating chicken, not the most pleasurable or tasteful thing but it gets the job done.
  19. He sure fucking visits a lot for a guy that doesn't like Austin.
  20. If Jason Vander Laan can get signed by the Panthers, then Beck certainly can.
  21. Because ESPN doesn't know shit about rankings, they laid off most of their recruiting staff and cut a lot of the funding. They don't do the leg work or have the capacity to do the leg work - they rank based off of offers and half ass analysis. After that process is complete, they treat us to Tom "I know a lot about little" Luginbill talking out of his ass for an hour and half. Does that help?
  22. I'll see if Ralph Northam has any extra copies laying around.
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