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Certifiably Surly
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sachick last won the day on April 25 2018

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  1. Just got home and turned on game. Is Ewers fixed?
  2. Time for the men to show up.
  3. Their qb seems better than ours.
  4. Y’all. These palomas in the stadium are good.
  5. So UTSA better than Alabama or ….
  6. Poor saben look mad
  7. Huge fan of her. She always seems to steal the scene in everything she’s in.
  8. I had to run to the bank and have been in line for 20 minutes. I think I’ll just wait here another two hours.
  9. Really liked Midnight Mass. a little of a slow burn and you gotta be into monologues.
  10. My 18 year old got home from the game and said she had never seen Texas have a blow out like that. Told her it used to happen a lot but it’s been a while.
  11. Is that dumb ass baddy daddy gonna be the killer. No way he’s some sort of criminal Mastermind.
  12. I've know about the possibility of these drugs being laced with other shit so I'm not surprised but surprised others didn't know. But I have an almost 18 year old daughter who is about to head off to Texas State and a 13 year old son. It has to be on my radar. She goes to the "rich" HS in town so these kids have parent's money so probably more pills going around than the "cheaper" drugs. I've had several discussions about taking pills that you would think are safe because they should require a prescription. That I would her rather try pot she saw rolled and she knows isn't laced than a pill she doesn't know where it came from. I also drill her about not accepting drinks she hasn't opened herself. I'll definitely be telling both my kids how Jake died and that taking a laced pill just once can kill you.
  13. I understand the initial reluctance to talk about what caused his death. But after today I think it should be discussed. It natural to question why a seemingly healthy 20 year old died. And if the death was not suspicious, I can only think of three things that could have happened. And I think all three need to be discussed so we can all be educated and talk about it so it can possibly help others.
  14. Right before Mother’s Day. Ugh.
  15. I was in your place about a year and half ago. Had never heard of it and suddenly I was on the new Salesforce team since we had just bought SF. Trailhead is a great resource to learn stuff. Was able to get my Salesforce Admin cert using just Trailhead and googling SF Admin tests. It seems confusing at first but once you start using it, it's not bad and has a lot of potential. Now I'm learning Marketing Cloud which is totally different beast. And I agree that how it is implemented is very important. I think we're getting off to a shitty start but all the wrong people are making the decisions. People who have no clue how Salesforce works.
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