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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. And he still won’t resign. He’ll let it all burn to the ground before he admits any sort of guilt or weakness.
  2. My whole family hates trump except for my mom. She does that whole “why does everyone have to argue in politics” and was very hurt when her sisters got upset with her for voting for Cruz and therefore still supporting Trump. She’s catholic and votes on abortion primarily with my stepdad(an old white man) throwing in standard republican economy points. We don’t discuss politics. At all. But that will change after the holidays. I could deal with her voting Trump before we knew how he would be as president but I cannot deal with her continuing to support him. His not a political stance, it’s about morals and ethics. I’m not married but there is no way in hell I could ever eat or marry someone who is a full on trumper. Again, I can disagree with policies but I can’t live with someone who is ok with putting kids in cages.
  3. Impeached but not removed. In November 2020, democrats control the house, senate and the goddamn Presidency. Hopefully lots of women involved so we can clean up the damn mess.
  4. We didn’t get mention of trump nudes yesterday. Maybe today is the day.
  5. Republicans don’t look happy. They’ll probably just go all in on calling Sondland a liar since he’s remembering things.
  6. Y’all can spot a possible hot woman by a single eye but need your wife’s help to find the milk in the fridge.
  7. So they just going to ignore the matter at hand and just ask about Biden and Burisma?
  8. So now it’s the media’s fault. That the new talking point? Is he going to mention the nudes? And OMG get over the whistleblower. You have people verifying everything.
  9. Just saw Jennifer Williams walk in. 1. Love her coat. 2. Bitch means business.
  10. Such a narcissist. It’s Pompeo’s fault for hiring people who won’t lie for the president not his fault for doing the lying.
  11. Traveling today. At a quick glance seems like it’s been a quiet day and Trump hasn’t done anything impeachable today.
  12. Yup. Only losers complain the game isn’t fair.
  13. Yup. Only losers complain the game isn’t fair.
  14. Didn't their parent's ever tell them that life isn't fair.
  15. Think I’m going to make chalupas for dinner tonight.
  16. Unfortunately many American's are stupid and buy his story.
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