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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Jordan is repeating himself. And how does he not know who the whistle blower is but know he worked with Biden?
  2. I do too. So much smarter than any of these assholes.
  3. Joaquin fucked it up, I think Julian would have done better.
  4. My real time reaction every time he posts about his perfect call.
  5. Bolton telling Mulvaney to fuck off and get his own lawsuit.
  6. Looks like Wednesday is the first open hearing.
  7. He can't speak very well this morning.
  8. Yay, we beat Kansas St by a last minute field goal. We’re awesome. [emoji849]
  9. This is an especially bad angle of him. He should ban being filmed from the side.
  10. How long will this case take though? Does "faster" mean a few weeks or months?
  11. Fuck that. He's not on the committee. Period. What reasoning would there be to add him other than Trump likes him because he's loud and obnoxious.
  12. He's going to get cheers, over/under on the number of tweets he posts about all the cheers he got?
  13. He's such a goober fucking weirdo.
  14. Promoting your kid's book. I'm sure the Republicans would not have an issue with this if Clinton was president and Chelsea came out with a book.
  15. The average american won't read it but when they recall some of these people to testify about these statements in public hearings it will be quiet interesting to see the democrats asking questions while the republicans loose their shit on the impeachment process being illegal because there is no defense for what happened.
  16. Ummm... didn't Trump only submit answers to written questions during the Mueller investigation and according to Republicans that was perfectly fine.
  17. His ass is going to be impeached and he will repeat until his dying day that there was no quid pro quo. He'll put it on his tombstone.
  18. They’re spending their NASCAR money going to Trump rallies.
  19. Not only were people not booing, it was the loudest cheering crowd ever. These people really do live in their own reality.
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