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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. I don't care if the election is in two months. It's a matter or principle, when you have a POTUS using the power of office for personal gain, Congress must act. If not, others in the future will say it's ok to do whatever the fuck you want in office without consequence.
  2. i mean, whatever. the republicans are so in the bag for trump, it's really astonishing when one steps back and tries to take it all in. Ok let’s say the whistle blower is Mickey Mouse and doesn’t exist. Shifty Schiff made him up. We still have what, 5 people and the memo, confirming what the fake whistleblower said. Throw out the statement from the whistleblower, and just listen to the people who testified. Republicans think this is a trial and they have to throw out all evidence because the whistleblower started this but they forget the memo. It wasn’t until the memo was released that an official inquiry started.
  3. When do we get televised hearings? Need to know when to get popcorn from Costco.
  4. I do appreciate Vindman arriving in full uniform. Reminding everyone who he is.
  5. This foreign policy expert also happens to be foreign born and we know they're feelings on immigrants.
  6. He is so irritated that the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghadi didn't give him more positive press. It kills him that Obama got so much praise and here is trying to one up Obama and it didn't work.
  7. These republicans are going to be sore from all the twisting and turning they have to do to discredit every person that speaks against Trump.
  8. You're correct on the first part, we'll see about the rest.
  9. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.
  10. I sometime wonder if it's Melania trying to keep Barron as far from his dad as she can. Maybe she sees how fucked up his kids are and Barron's best bet is to just stay away. But yeah, how do you not take your kid to the World Series game. Even a narcissist like Trump would see it as I'm going to show everyone how great of a dad I am by bring my son to a game.
  11. There has got to be pictures of this
  12. How bad is it bugging him that Hillary, Pelosi and Obama are speaking at Elijah Cummings funeral and he's not even there? Don't think Pence is there either.
  13. Um why? Does he think New Mexico is Mexico?!
  14. But what do they do when a President refuses to resign? I just don’t see Trump agreeing to resign for any reason.
  15. Can you be guilty of perjury for not recalling?
  16. I hope it's her. Trump hates being betrayed and he really likes her. This would piss him off.
  17. Are we firing up a grill? I could go for some leq quarters, south texas style.
  18. It's not "quid pro quo" but if you don't do what I want you to do, you're not getting your money.
  19. Wish I had a job where I could watch TV all morning.
  20. Ugh. Totally justified. Embarrassing. I swear I know the difference.
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