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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Of course the first people to tell Trump to fuck off and testify are women.
  2. I'm not clicking on random links. Probably has aids.
  3. He's only a "successful" business man because everyone around him has saved his ass.
  4. He was in a predominately black neighborhood. Listened to the family's press conference. She did have her Concealed Carry license but the family did not state where that gun was or was not. They left the door open earlier in the evening to let the cool air in from the cold front. She was living in the house with her mother who was sick, mom is currently in the hospital after a recent medical emergency, she's in failing health. Neighbor called the non-emergency line to check on the occupants because he wasn't sure if mom had gotten released from the hospital and maybe had another medical emergency and maybe that's why the door was open. She was a gamer who often played with her nephew. They were playing call of duty when they heard noises. She made sure to tell her nephew not to go to the window, she went instead. It was mentioned that they sent a sort of swat unit to the house, not a couple of guys on patrol to knock on the door. That this po was a rookie on elite unit.
  5. Depos this week are behind closed doors? I hope he has good security.
  6. And how do we get that cocksucker to become our cocksucking quarterback because it’s not like we have anyone getting ready behind our Junior quarterback.
  7. You’re a whiny bitch because you’re being a little dramatic. We’re not a great team but we by jo means suck. We’re not a top 5 team. But this is NOT a Charlie Strong team. Six games in and the two games that we have have lost have been to teams in playoff contention. We played them hard and didn’t give up.
  8. He's talking to reporters with the Chinese delegation and is trying not to answer Biden questions and said he will talk to reporters on the way out to the helicopter. So he's been busy with China, but should be fun to hear him after he realized what has happened.
  9. Just admitted he profits from people staying at his hotels, "if they pay me two months rent at one of my hotels. " Let's see if he knows what emoluments is when it's one of the articles of impeachment.
  10. That news is so 6 hours ago. Unless this is another guy Trump asked Tillerson to help out.
  11. I’m going to need someone to setup a murder board for all this shit.
  12. Why return now? You’re fucked because you took it.
  13. Nah. They always say how good a person was after they die even if he was an asshole. His base would start a religion for their martyr. Let him live and have him be the most hated person.
  14. Good lord he’s still talking.
  15. I think he really believes the bullshit he says.
  16. The real traitors are the people around Trump who hear him do these things and say nothing. Knowing his actions will kill allies and you still say nothing.
  17. He won’t bail. That would mean admitting guilt or that he is wrong. He’s never going to admit defeat. If he survives impeachment and loses the election, he will say it was rigged. He will never leave gracefully.
  18. So now what? The Whitehouse said Fuck You. Does congress just hand out subpoenas and have no one show up and add it to the list and impeach on obstruction? In that case we don’t ever know all the details of how bad these calls and his actions are.
  19. Had to go to a meeting. Did I miss anything in the last couple of hours?
  20. The president's attorney. The best people. We should just look for a birth mark on Trump to prove he's a witch.
  21. New poll says 58% support impeachment inquiry https://www.marketwatch.com/story/most-americans-approve-of-trump-impeachment-inquiry-new-poll-shows-2019-10-08
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