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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. We'll never know what they talked about. They can say they were talking about golf and the timing was coincidental. I don't think we'll get anything damning from this unless someone recorded the call.
  2. Any other president would have resigned or been impeached by now but we're in a world where Republican's don't give a fuck. They're too busy getting rich and doing whatever their orange god says. They'll go on record supporting all his crimes and the Republican party will be done in 2020.
  3. They're sure as hell going to try to block everyone. Acting totally innocent.
  4. According to Trump, after Pelosi saw the transcript of the call she said "This is not what the whistle blower said."
  5. Oh my favorite, we had no ammo line.
  6. So what's the Republican spin on this?
  7. I thought for sure this was an old tweet, but nope. Blaming Obama 3 years after his presidency for an action the current president made today.
  8. But guess what guys, we're not talking about the impeachment are we? Speaking of, is there a schedule of who will be talking to the committees this week?
  9. It's all fun and games to make fun of Trump and his tweets but holy fucking shit, "in my great and unmatched wisdom?" This lunatic is the President of the United States.
  10. Don't you guys realize we were running out of ammo and he saved us!
  11. He's getting push back from Republicans. He's going to realize he should have listened to his advisors. He will reverse the decision saying he spoke to some world leaders or some other BS.
  12. I’m going to need a summary of all that’s come out this evening and overnight to read over while I have my morning coffee.
  13. The more that comes out the more I’m starting to think that when this goes to the senate, it might be close. Closer than I ever thought possible.
  14. Would any other president resign at this point? Trump never will but I wonder what a normal president would do at this point.
  15. And it should be pointed out that this is not a campaign rally. This trip is paid for by the tax payers and should not involve politics.
  16. You're gonna need to hit up Costco for enough popcorn.
  17. Yeah, I don't want that "other stuff" brushed off and forgotten. Can't set the precedence that it can be done without consequences.
  18. I was mostly off-line yesterday? Did I miss anything?
  19. How long before he loses it on twitter about this afternoon's stories? OR maybe since I"m sure Fox News isn't reporting them, he doesn't know anything else has happened.
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