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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. You’ll have to be more specific.
  2. When do we narrow down the field? This is just too many people on the stage and this is just half.
  3. That’s it. Warren has my vote.
  4. Thought I was losing it because I understood her.
  5. You think he understood anything in Macroeconomics 101? I struggled with Economics in college but I know I have a hard time with Economics so I defer to experts in the field and would never try to act like I know better. Although Tariffs being stupid is fairly easy concept to understand.
  6. He's like my kids on summer break. Except my 16 year old got a job and my son has chores he has to do before I get home. I don't think Trump is doing his daily chores or is working.
  7. He heads the House Oversight Committee. And also https://time.com/5637924/elijah-cummings-trump-oversight/
  8. Love when God replies.
  9. Someone really needs to cut the cable at the White House. He’s gonna overload on Fox News. Has he left his couch today?
  10. This tweet sounds very coherent and very unlike the trump of today.
  11. I was told Mueller couldn’t exonerate anyone and no such thing as exoneration.
  12. I can't wait until he tells us how much he's liked by African Americans because he helped A$AP Rocky. They all love him because he helped one of their own.
  13. What's the timeline for this court response that Nancy is waiting for? A month? 6 months?
  14. How the fuck you going to put up a sign saying 10 instances of obstruction of justice and NOT say you need to look into impeachment?
  15. Ok, but they make it seem like an impeachment inquiry is going to happen in 3 weeks. The process will take months. Get going on the Mueller stuff while you wait for the rest.
  16. I'm with you. You cannot have a president attempting to obstruct justice and NOT open an inquiry. Not opening an inquiry is basically saying it's ok to obstruct and go ahead and accept help from foreign nation. No biggie. Pelosi is making political moves and just like the Republicans, putting party above country. I don't care if the Senate doesn't convict. I want republicans on record saying all these things are ok.
  17. Move forward with what in court? What is she waiting for? We don't need to ask for an impeachment vote tomorrow, but an inquiry needs to be opened. Let's get the ball rolling.
  18. He's struggling to spin but he's spinning. Everyone is fake news.
  19. Listening to Trumps remarks as he goes to his rally. He's a buffoon.
  20. Ted Lieu not mincing words.
  21. In an ideal world it would be to announce the opening of an impeachment inquiry. But we live in a world where Donald Trump is president so it will be just to hear themselves talk.
  22. So they are supposed to look up the political affiliation of every attorney and only hire Republicans? And that's not biased?
  23. Perfect description.
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