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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. If I were in DC, you couldn’t pay me to go to this thing. It’s going to be a MAGA rally and I wouldn’t feel safe. You can’t tell I’m Mexican because I’m so light skinned but I’m still female and I have no desire to be in a crowd of mouth breathers.
  2. Strong, smart, opinionated, well-spoken and out-spoken women really do scare some people.
  3. Yes, because someone with a JD from Yale law school isn’t qualified to be a senator or sec of state. Only her MRS made her qualified. You don’t have to like her, but saying she wasn’t qualified is a joke.
  4. This is so fucking ridiculous
  5. I didn’t buy into people saying that Trump is mentally ill, other than his raging narcissism. But after the last few days and him having Ivanka by his side the whole time, I’m starting to think these people are onto something with the dementia theories. He’s never been smart or well spoken but now, more then ever, he’s just saying random words. He can’t put coherent sentences together.
  6. You know how I know this is fake? Trump's hands are way too big.
  7. But I bet immigrants who became citizens know a majority of the answers.
  8. I don’t even remember that ad. To me it references the things that run through your mind at 3am when yuh can sleep. Upcoming bills, how you’re going to pay for kids college, medical bills.
  9. Good way to throw in your so much younger than the turd in office
  10. Harris for attorney general for next president
  11. I just can’t get behind Bernie. Sorry Bernie bums or whatever his followers call themselves.
  12. Castro won’t win the nomination, but maybe a VP rec? And I think he’ll have a cabinet position.
  13. Closing argument thoughts: Delaney - kind of crazy De Blasio - yawn Gov Inslee - sounds good but nah. Ryan - thank you, next Gabbard - It’s really too bad about her RBF. She has potential. Castro - I think he did well. He’s well spoken and seems intelligent. Klobuchar - liked her tonight but don’t love her closing speech. Booker - at want to really like him, but he’s not pulling me in. Beto - I loved him against Cruz but not sure this is his time or the right place for him. Warren - Still my favorite. And Bama Chick, her skin looks good, almost like a filter. And before anyone gets their panties in a wad if Bernie’s skin looks as good, I’ll mention it too.
  14. Ok, I may throw her a few bucks just for that tweet.
  15. Only illegal immigrants speak Spanish?
  16. Castro impressing me. Too bad he doesn’t get more national attention.
  17. Awww... shit. Now we all speaking Spanish.
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