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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. He didn't write that, nothing is randomly capitalized. They took his phone away. Expect a late night rant in a couple days when he can steal his phone back.
  2. No way in hell Obama or any black man beats trump in 2020. Too many racists have been empowered by Trump and republicans have been busy with their voter suppression and gerrymandering over the years.
  3. Whenever my 11 year old hears me play a clip Trump talking or hears him on the news, he asks me to change the channel because he finds Trumps voice very annoying. This is a kid who listened to minecraft you tubers like Stampy who sounds like nails on a chalkboard
  4. My concern with Mueller testifying in private with a transcript released later is that the everyday American is more likely to ignore the transcript. Too easy to blow off the news reporting it as Fake News. Harder to ignore video interactions.
  5. It's a shit coverup. The problem is people don't care he's doing it.
  6. For such an innocent person, he does seem hyper-focused on this investigation. ETA: Maybe the person posting dozens of tweets a day and apparently watching TV all day should be the on one worrying about governing. It is his job.
  7. I don’t know if this is the right thread for this but I love Ted Lieu just flat out calling Barr a partisan hack.
  8. Umm.. sounds like extortion. They need to be told to fuck off with their "relatively short order" bullshit. Make it available by Friday or Barr is in contempt. Enough with drawing things out. That's what they're trying to do. Delay as much as possible.
  9. 20? Obama and his tan suit would have been impeached at this point.
  10. I"m starting to believe all of you who say the Dems are weak. Impeachment proceedings need to start and not doing so is weak and shows they're more worried about perception and politics than what is right.
  11. I was thinking the same thing. Who the fuck is he to decide what happens after Dani’s death when Jon should be King. Sansa should have told him to fuck off and organized the other families to fight to get Jon out. Or something, anything else.
  12. This is it boys. No matter the ending, this is will still be one of the best TV shows ever made.
  13. He's going to get us into a war to try to win him points for the 2020 election.
  14. Yeah, her thoughts don't occur only in 280 character bursts.
  15. It could subconsciously be about gender? Or because she does have that Hillary feel. Idk why maybe age/looks? But if you actually listen to her, she has very well thought out ideas and policies.
  16. I wasn’t really high on Warren but the more I hear from her the more I’m liking.
  17. People like my mom who doesn't cuss, is a rule follower and goes to church 3-4 times a week. She supports him because she's catholic and she votes with the person who does not support abortion. She just chooses to ignore the rest. She doesn't even know the rest because she says she just doesn't watch the news because of all the negative stuff. Baffles me how religious people who truly believe in God and Jesus and all that can just turn a blind eye to such a morally corrupt human because of an embryo. At some point you have to decide your main issue isn't worth supporting someone so awful.
  18. I don't know how much we can really trust polling numbers anymore. Who answers calls from unknown numbers now? Other than old people. Who are they calling? I assume they do call cell phones since less and less people have land lines.
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