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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Oh no. The brown people are taking your jobs!
  2. Well you know, if you don’t commit crimes and lie about everything, maybe there wouldn’t be investigations.
  3. I live when they pan to the women in white. They’re over all this shit.
  4. His big boy voice is so annoying. As is his breathing.
  5. Got a new TV this weekend. Usually thought extreme color of his tan was the bad color on my TV. Nope. Melania lays in on pretty thick too but hers has more brown than orange.
  6. Because we’re over the bullshit. We’ve let men handle it all and look where we’re at. Time to cut the bullshit, get to the point and fix it. But I also think the new generation of current 15-20 year old will be the biggest help.
  7. Trump: “ Wall, wall wall wall wall”
  8. So basically the President of the United States is having secret meetings with Russia? OK, cool. Hook ‘Em.
  9. He’s become a favorite of mine on the twitters.
  10. Wait? San Antonio has a wall? I’m in SA right now and totally missed it. Must be a stealth wall.
  11. Look, I’m out there in this wall with you but if Cohen publicly states this during his hearing, especially if he has emails or recording if this, I’m thinking the R’s will have to start jumping ship.
  12. Why did he sign the letter with a sharpie?
  13. Why help brown people when you can build a wall to keep them out?
  14. It’s a thing of beauty. A lot of pretty words to basically say Fuck Off.
  15. Do I want to listen to this from work? Is it a shit show or boring?
  16. Can someone define invasion for me? My family is in McAllen, I was in McAllen over Christmas. I didn’t see an invasion. Unless you count everyone trying to get to the damn mall or in line for Delia’s tamales.
  17. http://twitter.com/Abstruse/status/1081806992707121152
  18. McAllen giving him a warm welcome.
  19. This is almost sounds like him saying I’ve fixed everything so I’m going to step down.
  20. Spot on. They looked/talked like a corpse.
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