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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Oh, he had Jewish grandchildren so he can’t be racist excuse.
  2. Pence just keeps talking. Is this a white male entitlement thing, he just assumes he can get away with it.
  3. One of these assholes has to get a serious case of it right?
  4. I don''t him stopping stimulus package talks is not going to help him at all. At least give the impression your trying to negotiate. There are a lot of people out there who are losing their businesses and can't pay rent and Trump just told them nothing will come to help them until after the November election. When he will still have to negotiate with Pelosi. Where can I go read what the sticking point is? What are the democrats wanting to give the big bad democratic run cities?
  5. No, I hope he survives. So he can lose the election and then go to prison for tax fraud.
  6. Doctors caring for the President are not going to forget details like that. Doctors speak in hours not days. They are so full of shit.
  7. Remdesivir isn’t used until a patient has trouble breathing right? It’s not used in mild cases is it?
  8. Visual of where everyone was sitting.
  9. My daughter saw the video and said “woah, no makeup. He’s white, not orange.”
  10. Even better would be for Trump, Pence and McConnell all get covid with the Boris Johnson experience and Pelosi is left in charge. Imagine Trump waking up knowing Pelosi was in charge.
  11. I don't want him to die, don't want Pence as teh backup candidate. BUT I would mind some pain and suffering so he understands how dangerous this hoax is.
  12. Exactly. This is what happens when everyone doesn’t go out and vote. We have let the old people control who runs this country for years and this is what we get.
  13. Nah. Progressives know that Biden isn’t progressive or very far left. He was their last choice for nominee but they’ll vote for Biden. What’s there other option?
  14. Nah. Progressives know that Biden isn’t progressive or very far left. He was their last choice for nominee but they’ll vote for Biden. What’s there other option?
  15. I love how Trumpers defend him not paying taxes by saying he's a smart guy and used the tax laws to his advantage and did nothing wrong. But then complain when welfare recipients take advantage of the system for 500 in food.
  16. I know this has been said many times but Trump could shoot someone on the way into the debate on video and just say it didn’t happen and his base would believe him. There is nothing they won’t excuse him for.
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