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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Could Schumer not let Pelosi out there by herself? And Nancy, love ya, but the makeup is a little too heavy tonight.
  2. I want their response to be going straight through the dumbasses speech fact checking line through line. Ala Maury Povich. “Trump said 4000 MS6 gang members ha e been apprehended at the southern border” “That’s a lie”
  3. Can we get the media to actually report that there is NO crisis instead of just repeating his lies.
  4. And being in the database doesn’t mean terrorist does it? Is it like the no fly list where it could be a person with the same name?
  5. Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I’ll stop.
  6. You think he has a plan??
  7. But he LIES! He is going to tell LIES to create fear. If what he was going to say included factual numbers with the correct facts behind the numbers, then fine. Let him on. But the press has a responsibility to not let someone use the airwaves for an hour of lies to create fear.
  8. Yes, can we please have it delayed with the pop up video style pop ups of actual facts?
  9. Trump keeps saying those who aren’t getting paid understand and will work through it. I don’t think he understands that you can’t just call your creditors and bank and say “I’m sorry, I can’t pay my bills this month but I promise I’ll pay when I start getting a paycheck. Ok. Thanks Bye.” And that you can stay in your house without paying your mortgage or that they won’t turn off the lights when you do today the light bill. Trump in his life has never had to write a check to pay for electricity or water, he doesn’t know they’ll shut that shit off and your mortgage company don’t give a fuck why you can’t pay. He’s always had Daddy’s cushion. And look, I’m going to irritated if my tax return is late. I need a new TV.
  10. If these numbers weren’t totally fabricated I would be concerned.
  11. Ok. I’m over the press conference. Same wall bullshit.
  12. They’re letting Pence talk. Don’t think I e ever heard him befor. And then CNN cut away from Pence to discuss Trumps remarks.
  13. He just said that some of the previous presidents have told him they agree they should have done a wall when they were president. Such a liar. Former presidents don’t even want to be in the same room with him much less confide anything.
  14. Starting to wave his hand around talking about the wall. He about to start veering off.
  15. Trump on TV patting his own back. Well behaved so far.
  16. And like clockwork...
  17. Fuck Georgia and fuck the SEC.
  18. My daughter is over here calling Sam her husband. I’m allowing it.
  19. And that’s why that guy will be on the Hiesman watch list next year.
  20. Georgia has some big boys.
  21. I have t seen any. It’s all FAKE NEWS!
  22. Now he can go to Florida without getting shit for it.
  23. Nope. Even if Mueller is fired, too much has been handed off to SDNY. He might survive his presidency, but the Trump Org is going down.
  24. Seriously, Fuck Mitch McConnell
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