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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. He seems triggered this morning.
  2. Anderson Cooper re: Manafort and Trump lying. "they are all dependent on, for success, everybody else being stupid and they're all dependent on the idea that everyone else who hears them is stupid. Clearly the Mueller team is not stupid nor are the American people when they hear repeated lies from the President that are easily checked. I don't understand the kind of low level of lying, just really bad lying. " Sorry to tell you Coop, but if this administration has show us anything, is that there is core base of stupid Americans.
  3. Fuck it. Bring on the midget and the rest of the assholes.
  4. I was undecided as to who I want to see play Texas. But I decided. I want to see OU tears at the end of this game as they realize they they will be at home next weekend.
  5. It’s amazing how this team plays up or down to its opponent.
  6. Is it just me or is the game loud. Can’t hear the announcers.
  7. This man has no shame. Not only is he not condemning Saudi Arabia, he's thanking them. * I was about to bitch that gas prices haven't gone down and were still in the 2.50 a gallon range but then I looked it up. Most in my area are under 2.20. But he's still an asshole.
  8. Did you miss the conversation about stupid poors and fleecing them of their money.
  9. Definitely sarcasm. It’s already forgotten in today’s new cycle.
  10. Can't wait to see her sit in front of a committee for hours on end over her emails. Daddy's reaction will be priceless.
  11. It's looks fine on the home page on a computer. If we've losing games, I would hate having it on every forum page to remind me we're losing.
  12. Ugh. We’re fucked. I guess the football gods have not fully forgiven us yet.
  13. She had someone fired on World Kindness day.
  14. I like how they get specific about SEVEN sources. Not several or two sources or five, but seven.
  15. I cant tell if this is real or not.
  16. The hair isn't the only problem, the rain will make the orange makeup streak and run down his face.
  17. So he's saying because we're making fun of him, the stock market will crash? Am I reading that correctly?
  18. Is there a time limit on how long Whitaker can be interim AG? Can Trump just not nominate anyone officially for a while and let Whitaker do his bidding? And can you really just name anyone acting AG? Shouldn't it go to the Deputy Attorney General? This guy was just the chief of staff.
  19. Someone must have pissed in his cheerios this morning. He's having a big twitter day.
  20. OR some sort of flag that he should not be able to own guns?
  21. I think everyone agrees that guns are not the root cause of the problem. Guns can't pull their own triggers. It's the people that have the guns. And the ease that some people can get guns. Those of us arguing for gun control aren't saying restricting who can access guns is going to be a complete solution. But it's at least something. Once we get some better laws to restrict the mentally ill, let's then look at helping those with mental issues. Let's put money into helping veterans with PTSD. There isn't a single solution to the problem but it's frustrating as hell when NOTHING is done in Washington. Not a damn thing. I fear it will take someone walking into the senate or house with a gun and killing the actual politicians to get them to act.
  22. Lots of ideas to try to solve this issue. Now if only our politicians could at least try to do something.
  23. So much truth. I can't with her makeup.
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