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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. 3 touchdowns for Ehlinger. I’ll allow it.
  2. She was probably promised a spot on the judiciary committee during that lunch.
  3. Well when you don’t actually look it’s hard to find things.
  4. If you see your sisters, girlfriends, mother, female friends having a hard time, this is why. Someone has the courage to speak up and it does.not.matter. Nothing short of video evidence will ever be enough proof when a woman speaks up. And even then, she can be blamed for being there in the first place. It's all very disheartening. But Congratulations Republicans, you won. You got your man on the Supreme Court. You got your man in the White House. You must be so proud. You won.
  5. They're ignoring all the studies and victims of trauma who are speaking out saying they don't remember everything because it doesn't fit their narrative. IF she did remember everything, like date, location, time, then they would dig out all the studies showing that victims don't remember that many details.
  6. Really? How many times have you been sexually assaulted?
  7. Texas - 31* The other team - 38 *I am only picking the other team to win because every time this season I've picked them to lose, they win. I"m sticking to it.
  8. Wait, so Soros is paying protesters and you have a kegger while doing it? WHere do I sign up. I like beer.
  9. This is kind of insane. Isn’t the first people you talk to make sure there aren’t any skeletons in the closet college roommates? You do a lot of stupid stuff in college and your roommate probably knows about it. So I’m not real confident if these now 7 background checks.
  10. Oh he mad. And they say women are too emotional. Geez, man up and stop crying. I finally looked up his age, I thought he was in his 70's. He's 85!! I'm note I want an 85 year old driving down the street never mind running the country. Term limits need to become a thing.
  11. Not when you're trying to be a Supreme Court Justice. They are expected to be above that. You act like a grown ass man and defend yourself forcefully without sounding like an unhinged entitled rich boy who isn't getting the toy he wants. Clarence Tomas was able to sound like an adult. And if you can't sound like an adult while forcefully defending yourself, then you don't deserve the position. Oh and you shouldn't be yelling about the Clinton/Democratic Conspiracy if you're also trying to prove you won't be biased. Regardless if he did or didn't assault anyone, his behavior was disqualifying.
  12. Schumer disagrees that there was no hint of misconduct. All this is a shit show. Just confirm him. The presidency has been cheapened, just do the same to the Supreme Court. Just burn it all down. I have no trust in these fools.
  13. Maybe if the FBI questioned him, he would provide that name.
  14. sweatergawd if y'all assholes are getting checks from Soros and didn't tell me where to sign up, I'm gonna be pissed.
  15. Well according to her lawyers she has documents and information she would like to give to the FBI. Might be important. They should probably call her back.
  16. They need to ask if they think the assault happened by someone other than Kavanaugh. I've heard a lot rhetoric that they believe her but she's just confused as to who did it.
  17. In some sects of Christianity, the husband is the head of the household and a woman should follow her husband. I think a lot of it is a religious/culture thing. They believe their life's work is to have babies and make their husbands sandwiches.
  18. It's a little early to be drinking already.
  19. The policy with my kids is that the lie will always be worse than if you just tell me the truth. If you tell me truth, we'll work through it but if you lie and I find out, you're in deep shit. I can't trust you anymore and there is nothing worse then not having trust.
  20. So much this. This resonates with so many women. We can accomplish so many things but still be treated like a sexual object or less of a person that a man. It's just the lack of respect and it's so infuriating. Thank you for sharing. I think the more women share their stories, the more men in our lives will realize how prevalent the problem is. I consider myself "lucky" in that I've never been raped or assaulted if you don't count that time my cousin hugged me a little two long in a way that wasn't very cousinly, or that time I drank too much and had already passed out/"went to sleep" and a guy I was crushing on joined me in bed and we started making out and stuff. I didn't say no but I wasn't exactly all there either. There's also all the times I've been grabbed in clubs and bars. For women, that's just a given. So I'm not really in the statistics of women who have been assaulted but I know a lot of women who have been assaulted and I can empathize. Women aren't going to make this shit up. There's also a lot of us with grey stories like mine. Was it assault when my cousin touched me? Was it assault when some guy came to do things when I obviously wasn't all there? But I do know it was morally wrong.
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