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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. I don't get it. Is he coming forward because she told him she likes sex with multiple men and that means she wasn't raped? Or even if she was raped, it's ok because she liked it?
  2. So they're begging to be interviewed by the FBI but we still have people who thinks she's lying? That's some 4D chess.
  3. Shiiiiiitt. No shame here, put millions in my bank account, I don't mind. Of course, I'm not going to be crying about not getting my way.
  4. I did hear one of the commentators note that Thomas had no choice in how to present himself. He couldn't come out scorched earth like Kavanaugh because then he would be seen as and angry black man and black men, especially 30 years ago, know that's not going to come across well.
  5. What's so infuriating is that you can't do shit about being belittled. You just have to stand there and accept the insult.
  6. There are no specifics to her testimony - She doesn't remember details outside of the trauma, which is common. But she remember she went up stairs, the bathroom was to the right bedroom door to the left. She remembers what side of the room the bed was on, she remembers hearing the music get louder, she remembers them laughing, she remembers him on top of her, she remembers his hand on her mouth, she remembers falling off the bed, she remembers hiding in the bathroom. Sounds like specifics to me. Everyone she says was at the party fails to corroborate her story. - They say they don't remember this specific party/get together. Not denying that it could have happened. There is a different. Isn't surprising they don't remember, why would they? They weren't traumatized and nothing memorable happened for them. I don't remember all the HS parties/get togethers, do you? Maybe if you only went to a couple, you might remember. I went to lots of them and who knows what happened to other people. I remember one where we had to run and hide in the trees and walk around to get to our car because the cops showed up. That was a memorable event for me because it was the only time I ran and hid from cops. I can't tell you what month or year it was. I can't tell you whose house it was at or how I got home. I remember a specific guy who I was seeing when I was 16, but that's as close to a timeline I can get you. someone so unsure of the facts - She remembers the incident exactly.
  7. Ugh, me too. Don't forget the disclosures she made over the years. In this case there was a 3rd person in the room who was also in the room. I'm sure he won't remember the incident. But typically in these cases, it's a he said, she said and that's it. There isn't video evidence, there isn't DNA evidence so WHAT KIND OF EVIDENCE WOULD BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?
  8. You mean the way Dr. Ford's character has been attacked? According to you she's either lying or her little lady brain doesn't know what she saw. It has never occurred to you that she's telling the truth and that your boy got drunk and blacked out and doesn't remember.
  9. The white has only allowed four people to be interviewed?? What a farce, but not surprising
  10. Football gods telling to calm down. We’re not back just yet.
  11. How seriously is he considering a presidential run?
  12. He won't be able to coach little girls basketball but he'll be allowed to be a Supreme Court Justice. That is the world we live in.
  13. Maybe because bestie was talking to their people and didn’t notice her “frantically” run out. Did she run out? She said she got out of there, doesn’t mean she ran out all dramatically. I didn’t notice every little thing my besties did at parties.
  14. Or he lied about his drinking and has drank to the point of blacking out and does not remember that night because he was drunk. Why is everyone saying they believe her but she must be mistaken about who it was and no one is saying they believe he’s telling truth as he knows it but he probably blacked out and doesn’t remember? Her friend said she doesn’t remember that party but she believes Ford. She didn’t say it didn’t happen. Why would she remember a party from 30 years go.
  15. This is all so disheartening. Speak up, tell your truth and it does.not.matter. This is why victims don’t speak up. Because they’re not heard. Republicans will say they believe her but believe she’s mistaken in who it was. That’s not how it works. You believe her or you don’t. I really do think she’s telling the truth and I think he’s lying about never being blackout drunk. I think he and Judge did this and don’t really recall the incident. We don’t get to explore the other allegations. I’m on Brisket’s ledge and ready to jump. Just burn it all down.
  16. I know I'm just a woman but is that more or less than what we've spent on this one?
  17. This is probably what happened. And as I said before, he could have just come out and said I was a stupid kid, drank too much at times and did have nights I don't remember. I apologize for anything I may have done and I've tried to be a better person since HS.
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