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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. So you don't believe her or you do and don't care?
  2. I mean, we're not even talking about any other allegations. Aren't we supposed to stick to the Ford allegation? Have any of the Democrats called him a gang rapists or even brought other allegations?
  3. Why can she ask about the other allegations but the accusers can't be there.
  4. We drank beer. I like beer. we drank beer. I had beers. girls had beers. other people had beers. beers. beers. beers.
  5. Gives himself an out if Judge does ever say something happened. He had a drug problem.
  6. Told you, he going with the I'm innocent and it could be your son, dad, husband being accused.
  7. It could be genuine. First time in his life he might not get what he wants.
  8. He's performing for Trump now. Trump will probably make him the new Deputy Attorney General. Good people and all taht
  9. I can't be an attempted rapist because I'm friends with someone who was raped. lol
  10. No ones gonna feel bad for you or the threats your family is getting when Dr. Ford is getting the same exact thing. Looks like he's going with the poor me, if it can happen to me it can happen to your son, husband, father. The Trump base.
  11. He really shouldn't say he wasn't at the party she described. How can he know that when it hasn't been established exactly when that party was. And can he possibly remember every party of gathering he's went to while in HS.
  12. He's going with being indignant at the thought of being accused?
  13. If he did do this or honestly doesn't remember this happening, if he would have come out and said I did it, I drank too much and behaved in a manner I"m not proud of and regret it to this day. He would be confirmed no problem.
  14. Just realized who Graham reminded me of jsut now,, Beverly Leslie from Will & Grace.
  15. According to Graham the democrats, whose best candidate against Trump was Hilary Clinton, set this up conspiracy to block Trumps nominee. Like they've proven to be organized mastermind.
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