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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Did this prosecutor come up with the questions or did the senators tell her what to ask?
  2. I think the dude lawyer just declared he was doing it pro-bono on the spot.
  3. I hopefully believe this group of people are mostly 50+ and will die off.
  4. Ha assholes! "So you took the polygraph the day you attended your grandmas funeral." Cause she wasn't sympathetic enough.
  5. She is all of us. We were taught to be respectful and accommodating. Don't make anyone mad. Don't ruffle feathers.
  6. I'm not understanding why the location of her house matters. Or whose house it was? People who went to this party aren't going to remember this party, it was one of many parties that occurred. I don't remember the parties I went to in HS or who was there or who took me home. I could have been at a party where someone was being attached and not known.
  7. Through all this I didn't realize Dr. Ford was 15 at the time. I just think of her as being in HS, and a PHD now. She was 15 when this happened. So young and look how it affects her to this day. And it makes me want me to never let my 15 year old daughter out of the house.
  8. PJ went to see Rocky III with Brett, Squi, and Dee according to the 1982 calendar.
  9. Because she's not alone. So many of us have been there. I have friends who cannot watch because it bring up their own memory.
  10. They still won't believe her. They'll say she's acting. They'll say she wasn't actually raped so it's not that big of a deal, it's just what boys do when they over indulge. They excuses and reason to not believe her or dismiss her will be coming.
  11. "Is this the best we can do?" This really is what it boils down to. There must be someone just as qualified without questions in his background.
  12. Exactly. And it's so damn frustrating. You look at that picture a previous poster posted of all white old men and that's who is telling us what to do with out bodies and if we dare speak out, they try to belittle us. There really should be term limits and age requirements for senate.
  13. And they say women are the emotional ones. Someone got their feelings hurt.
  14. +1. You know, maybe, just maybe, if 5+ are accusing you of victim blaming, maybe that’s exactly what your words meant. Maybe. Even if that wasn’t your intent, it’s what you’re doing.
  15. Soros got the buy 3 get 1 free deal. ETA: Dammit, quoted the wrong post. Meant to quote the one about the fourth accuser. There goes that joke.
  16. For what? They won’t believe her and they’ll find fault.
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