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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. I drive home from work and get home to two new accusers.
  2. After this week, I'm joining you and bringing my own Tito's. Don't want to risk anyone spiking my drink.
  3. Well were not talking about Kavanaugh anymore are we?
  4. Nah, no one has thought about the 25th amendment and president Trump.
  5. He's right. He says things that no one in the room understands.
  6. I would bet money she was abused in some way as a kid.
  7. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system
  8. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/brett-kavanaugh-donald-trump-and-the-things-men-do-for-other-men
  9. And I bet he will still call him a good person when it's announced they've pulled the nomination.
  10. Imagine the cronyism in the Private Prep School crowd. These boys have all grown up to move in powerful men in DC, isn't surprising that victims might be scared to come forward. But good for them for coming forward, keep belittling these women and you'll get more to get angry at the disrespect and will gain the courage to speak up.
  11. Yes, it makes sense to 116 year old me who just wanted to have fun and be part of the crowd. I could see myself still going. Because it won't happen to me. Things like that only happen to other people. I'm smarter than the girls than get caught up in those situations. I'm going to avoid the punch so it can't happen to me. If those boys are at the party, I'll avoid them. They're not part of my crowd anyways. Those girls were weak, I'm stronger and can fight them off. The things you tell yourself are endless.
  12. Me too. I went to parties in HS where there was plenty of drinking. I never heard of this stuff going on. But at the same time, I can see where the girls my age would blame themselves for getting drunk and passing out not knowing what happened. Especially in the Mexican-Catholic culture, it was your own fault for putting yourself in that situation and it never would have happened if you weren't at the party. Most of us were catholic and if we have admitted to getting assaulted or raped we would have to admit to our parents we werent' virgins and that would scare us more than going to the cops.
  13. Fuck off. Seriously. You're part of the problem.
  14. Maybe? There is a damn thing she can say that will make you believe her. You'll make an excuse for anything she presents to corroborate her story. I think even if he confessed to assault, you would say he was lying and was being forced to say it. You're part of the reason women don't speak up. You assume they're lying to ruin a man's reputation.
  15. This is a lesson to everyone to not just rubber stamp endorsements unless you really know someone.
  16. Thank you. Is it any wonder why so many women don't report?
  17. Cases are $50 for Xs Max. I assume it takes a few months for the prices to calm down and for them to show up on Amazon?
  18. That's exactly what Trump will be telling himself. He's not embarrassed. He thinks he did great.
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