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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. His yearbook is what’s going to do him in. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/24/business/brett-kavanaugh-yearbook-renate.html They could try to come up with better excuses.
  2. They could have avoided him having to publicly say he was 40 year old virgin if they had just agreed to a private FBI background investigation. They wanted to put Ford on display to discuss this publicly in front of the committee, turnabout is fair play.
  3. He's lying. Found his 1982 calendar entry.
  4. It's amazing that 1. you know how women feel and that 2. You know for a fact this is a bogus accusation without hearing the accuser. Have you even considered there might be some truth to the story or have you ruled out any chance that it's true? Short of video evidence from 30+ years ago, is there anything that could be said by an accuser in this case that would change your mind?
  5. They say the party didn't happen or they don't recall a party? Big difference. I don't doubt that they wouldn't remember a party one summer if nothing remarkable happened to them.
  6. I need him to wait until tomorrow. I have a business evening ubering my kids to cheer practice and a den meeting. Tomorrow works much better for me.
  7. Soros is paying women to lie and make up allegations. Duh.
  8. Well is Trump really his boss? And is it really undermining if you're talking about it? If Trump was/is truly not fit, isn't it his responsibility to bring it up? Now if he was planting evidence or some shit like that to make the president look incapable, I get it.
  9. Maybe this has been asked, but why is it so horrible if Rosenstein did talk about wires and the 25th amendment in a non-joking manner? Is it just because it pisses Trump off? There's nothing illegal with it is there? Isn't it the job of people in power in DC to bring up the topic if it might apply?
  10. Avenatti is what Trump wishes he was but doesn't' have the brains to be.
  11. Why do we have senators on these committees for 27 years? That’s kind of crazy.
  12. Anyone reading this thread still wonder why people are hesitant to report when they move been sexually assaulted?
  13. I’ll just have y’all know I lived with two broken nails all week because they were polished burnt orange right before the Tulsa game. We won the next two games so I couldn’t risk a polish change and we lose today. Now I have to get them redone in the same color.
  14. Well gee, look what happens when you run.
  15. I doubt that can happen. No matter what she says, how she says it, Hannity will be screaming how she looked like she was lying. WHat are the chances Hannity or Trump come up out and say, you know what, I believe her?
  16. Actually, she wants the FBI to investigate. If not, she may want it public so she doesn't have to repeat her story or so that EVERYONE hears it coming from here so there is no doubt of what she said. And if these senators are so insistent on there not being an FBI investigation because the Judicial Committee can handle it, then the Judicial Committee should handle it. You want to ask her what she was wearing or if she had been drinking, then do so face to face.
  17. Yup, they don't have the balls to sit there and ask her questions because they know it'll appear like victim blaming.
  18. 1. We're not talking about ANY judge or politician. We're talking about a life time appointment to the highest court. Their conduct in all areas should be beyond reproach. If an accusation is made, it should most definitely be considered. 2. This is not a legal proceeding. Guilt does not have to be proven without a doubt. If accusation is credible and it "probably" occurred then he should not be confirmed because of #1. I'm sure there are plenty of other eligible candidates.
  19. FFS. I hate this man so much. It boggles the mind that anyone defends him.
  20. Well he did stop. After she ran away from him. [emoji849][emoji849]
  21. Just saw an ad of support for Kavanaugh on CNN. Some woman saying she supports him. Is this normal? Judicial nominees had ads?
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