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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. When’s the last time Texas football scored 63 points?
  2. I went to go cut the yard when it was 41-56. I come back in and we’re headed to overtime?
  3. Over/under on missed tackles this series?
  4. The tweet will either be “those people are so nasty” or “did you hear all the cheers for me”
  5. Do these middle of the night, barging in warrants happen in Texas? Can’t imagine that a Texan wouldn’t start firing on anyone coming in all crazy in the middle of the night.
  6. Listening to a Trumpster on Erin Burnett and as he pretends to answer questions he just talks non stop and goes on non-stop tangents. Pointless to have anyone from Trump’s team on. They just get on and say whatever they like.
  7. Am I supposed to care about this? West coast is on fire, 200k dead from covid and the election coming up.
  8. The only reasoning I can think of for his down playing, doing nothing and not listening to experts is because he was scared of how it would affect his reelection chances. But the dumbass didn't/doesn't realize if he would have a strong response and our numbers were really good, he would have sailed his way into reelection. He had the opportunity to use the virus and, like everything else handed to him, he blew it.
  9. The thing is HE is the one focusing on his medical incident. We all know something was up when he had an unplanned visit to Walter Read in November 2019. No one bought the “he had a free weekend so he started his physical” excuse. But whatever, quickly fell out of the news cycle until the NYT article that said they talked to Pence about taking over if Trump when under anesthesia. No discussion about what was actually wrong. Story would have been gone if not for trump repeatedly saying he didn’t have mine strokes. So yeah, he basically told us what happened when he went to Walter Reid and he won’t shut up about it.
  10. Anderson drinking his water 2 minutes into the fact checking is hilarious.
  11. Seeing 1500 people gathered in close proximity with no mask pisses me off. This is why my kids didn’t start school normally my daughters senior year is shot to hell. Oh yeah, and 180k Americans have died. Because assholes like this think they’re above it all and this virus is a hoax.
  12. I love how cities around the county denied the RNC because you can't social distance safely in covid times, so this asshole decided to do his own non-socially distanced convention. Who dies after this event?
  13. Do these things normally go in during the day too? They already did the roll calls and Trump spoke but he’s going to speak again in the evening portion?
  14. He sounds a hell of a lot better and coherent than the orange guy. Trump is going to have to come up with some other Biden insults.
  15. And we all know the kids that will be in the classrooms are the kids of all essential workers who have no choice but to send their kids to school so they can work. The people with money are already lining up tutors and nannies to homeschool their kids. I know several people already creating mini-pods of homeschools. A small group of families that hire people to teach their small group of kids at home. Not saying it's wrong for them to do so, it's a great idea since the school districts aren't giving us much choice but this is why latinos and other minorities are getting the virus. They can't stay home, they have to work whatever essential job they can find.
  16. In the John Grisham version of this story a law student has written a brief and there’s copies of of shit being made.
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