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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. I don't understand why he never really protected Cohen. After the initial raid, he did say it was horrible that Cohen's office was ransacked or whatever but after that, he kind of left Cohen hang out to dry. Distanced himself. If Cohen knows all the secrets, you should have been promising pardons.
  2. The only thing you hear from them is "But it's not Russian Collusion."
  3. Good point. I hope they can prove what happened one way or the other.
  4. And let’s not forget we know Cohen has recorded Trump. We don’t know how often Cohen taped him.
  5. Difference is he’s smarter than a 5th grader.
  6. Will there? I think I've lost faith that Republicans will do anything. Brisket will have to make room for me on his bench soon. I really want you to be right.
  7. "no collusion" about 5x. Like he's defensive. Also saying Manafort worked with Reagan and Dole so Trump was just doing as they did. And not the initial intent of the Mueller investigation. Still a which hunt. Because Ken Starr started the Clinton investigation wondering if Clinton got a blow job in the oval office.
  8. Of course they should, but have you been paying attention?
  9. So when is the Twitter melt down? Think his handlers have taken his phone away because this will be an epic melt down with the Manafort and Cohen stuff today. And then there is tapes from Omarosa?
  10. The girls were found in an well of oil so I wonder how successful they'll be are getting DNA from their throats. I hope they can prove he's lying about her killing the girls.
  11. Because these type of crimes are usually committed by white males. There has to be a reason why. And why are the wives always pregnant?
  12. Don't see this posted yet. White male kills his pregnant wife and two young daughters. The usual, goes on TV crying that he wants his family back. Of course comes out that he was having an affair, marriage was ending and he did it. But this time he is blaming the wife for killing the little girls and then he went in a rage and killed his wife. https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/20/us/colorado-watts-investigation/index.html
  13. "He talks like me." Apparently being educated means you're an elite liberal.
  14. I'm going to need video/audio of him doing this. I still remember being in Denver for a summer internship and being told "wow, you don't have an accent at all even though you're Mexican."
  15. Her calling him obese is going to irk him so bad. I expect a couple tweets on that alone.
  16. Does it really matter if he did get caught saying n***** on tape? Would anyone be surprised? Would that change his ratings at all? Would Republicans in congress suddenly get off their asses and do something? Let me help you out here...
  17. I stopped listening a couple years ago. When is his contract up? Should be soon right?
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