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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. I thought the book was good and not totally obvious. Liked it better than her other books. This show? Eh... it's a'right. I think they're making it more obvious than the books did. There's nothing else on right now. Although Sinner's 2nd season started this week and it looks promising.
  2. Currently on CNN. My favorite was when the Casino Commission shut down 1/3 of his slot machine on opening day of the Taj Mahal because stuff hadn’t been completed. Trump said the machines broke because “the machines were so hot, nobody’s seen people play that hard that fast we had machines virtually on fire.”
  3. "Lack of memory." My new favorite phrase for lying.
  4. I"m mad at whomever pointed out that Maddow was just a long neck. That's all I see now.
  5. We should all vote using scantrons.
  6. Wait, this military parade is really happening? It's a real thing? People are letting him do this?
  7. You know he picked this picture out himself, he's so angry looking. I guess it makes all his followers think he's really really tough.
  8. You know what's going to happen right? Mueller will come out and say there was collusion by Trump and provide proof but Trump and all of his followers will call the proof lies made up by the deep state and say even it was true, that's not collusion. I was just being friendly. Anything that Mueller comes out with, Trumpkins are so hard-core they will believe anything their cult leader says. Trump could say the sky is red and all would believe despite their own eyes.
  9. Toby’s “aren’t you going to share dinner with me” face.
  10. I've read the book and liked this book more than I did her others. I wish they would have made her skin a little more noticeable. If you're not paying attention, it's hard to tell anything is wrong with her skin. I would think these type of scars in real life would be more red and raised than white.
  11. I don't think college should necessarily be free but it is way too costly. Yes there are grants for those in need but very little are considered in need. If you work a decent job and make enough to pay your mortgage and bills, you don't qualify for anything except loans. Middle America needs an option where they or their kids are not borrowing more than they'll make in a year to get through school. It used to be where you could work in the summer to pay for your fall expenses or work part-time to help pay for college. But I'm all for someone paying the rest of my loans off.
  12. Feel free to post a picture of your paystub. For a friend. (sorry, i got distracted)
  13. This makes me think of their Deep State theories. If they were true, we have one sorry ass Deep State. The Deep State should have gotten rid of him a long time ago.
  14. He totally made them include "while Russia's actions had no impact at all" in the statement. First and foremost he wants to make it clear he won.
  15. Really? His supporters have always loved that he "talks like them." Talks like them = doesn't use big words. I don't know if anyone has ever accused Trump of being smart.
  16. "MY intelligence people" = Putin
  17. Do you think it's a spray tan? It probably is. He probably has a spray tan lady that travels with him. Could you imagine her job? She has to see him stripped down to his tighty-whities to spray him.
  18. Exactly. I don't think he's smart enough to understand any thought of plan of collusion much less make one himself. I do think there are those around him who are smarter and knew what they were doing and like Putin, knew how to manipulate the idiot.
  19. I"m unreasonably annoyed that Trump never buttons his jacket when standing. And that his tie reaches his scrotum.
  20. It's not even about new blood but how we gonna have an 80 year run our country? I don't want them driving a car much less running our country.
  21. I didn't even finish the first episode yet. Or maybe I did. Can't even remember if I did. Does it get better? Tell me it gets better.
  22. So basically, Trumps an aggy.
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