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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. It's almost like he has his phone taken away from him during the day and allow him to have it overnight. So the only time we get the 'real' Trump tweets is before he has to turn his phone over to Kelly.
  2. Did he say something. I was distracted my that weird hair part on the side of his head.
  3. This is a joke right? RIGHT? ETA: It's real but old. From 2014.
  4. And his base just believes anything he says or tweets. They don't question anything. He could tweet that the sky is red and they would all believe it and call CNN fake news when they show a picture that the sky is still blue. THAT is the scariest part. That people just believe his words. No independent thinking.
  5. Kelly posted those tweets. It's only a matter a time before Trump pops off again. There is no way he can stay quiet this long.
  6. And here I thought today would be all about Comey’s book and interview last night.
  7. So what are we thinking Cohen is guilty of other than being an idiot.
  8. How great would it be for Hannity to be caught up in something illegal that lands him in prison?
  9. They let KellyAnne out. It’s kind of amazing how she has a conversation with herself despite Chris Cuomo trying to ask questions.
  10. 1.6 million? Now we're in the ballpark of what is needed to sleep with Trump. (I know this was for Broidy)
  11. I’m amazed this many women are willing to sleep with Trump. 130k wouldn’t be enough.
  12. So when your dog throws up his dinner because he drank too much water too fast and he starts to eat his throw up, do you let him? Asking for a friend. 🤢
  13. Do we have any actual proof of this threat? Seriously. Are there any studies done or any research about increased crime caused by immigration? Or is all this based on fear mongering tweets and the the racists eating this up.
  14. That's a new one. Still white you think?
  15. And our jobs. They're going to fire all the Americans who are working as roofers, constructions workers, cooks and cutting grasses.
  16. I don't know how I survived living in a border town with all these horrible rapist and murders caravaning over the bridge. Thank goodness we have Trump now.
  17. I missed all this caravan news? Who is caravaning over here?
  18. Anyone have a baby/dog gate they recommend? Need to get one to keep Toby from going upstairs. Retractable would be nice.
  19. It's like he hung out all weekend with Fox News people.
  20. Someone is not going to be happy in the morning.
  21. The problem is that when your skin is white, you don't get shot for jumping fences at night. When your skin is dark, all bets are off.
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