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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Is this all from the new KD shoes? We’re keeping them for next season right?
  2. I currently just use the Find My app that comes with iPhones. We’re setup on family sharing so I have to approve all apps that are downloaded. I may switch over to Life360 now that my daughter is starting to drive. For the most part my kids are good kids and haven’t given me reason to be more intrusive in their stuff.
  3. Thanks to whomever recommended Fluff & Tuff dog toys. Toby loves his new ball. If he’s not humping it, he’s laying around with it.
  4. Yup! He’s half Beagle so he doesn’t have the short nose. Got a designer dog without knowing, they’re called Bea Tzu’s although DD has votes to call him a Shih(t)- Beagle.
  5. I think there’s a lifetime movie coming out about that in a couple weeks.
  6. Got a DNA test done on Toby. When we picked him up we were told he was full blooded shih tzu. We were paying $100 to a guy in a trailer in Taylor so I wasn’t betting on that being true. Well three years later and he’s 27lbs. No way he’s full Shih-Tzu. Got results back and he’s mixed with one other breed. Any guesses?
  7. Not the cheapest but they last more than 6 months. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N63HESQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  8. I still can't believe we're getting a "Space Force."
  9. I love how quick she is. Doesn’t skip a beat. I would have guessed Bernie and Biden would be a few years older than Warren.
  10. But officer I didn't feel like I was going a 100 in a 55 zone. This is all a hoax and a which hunt.
  11. He was extremely detailed about the morning but loses it and gets stressed/nervous when getting closer to the time she went missing. He doesn’t finish what happened after the morning. Like maybe he did something and as he approaches that time in his story he can’t handle. Need to go look for an article or something that goes over the timeline. Heard he got home like at 1:30 and school called at 2 but school isn’t out until almost 3 isn’t it? And then waited until 7:30 to call the cops even though all her stuff was still at home and her phone turned off?
  12. Actually live in Austin now. But I’m parked waiting for the kid to be done with his class.
  13. I’m listening on SiriusXM n the car, didn’t know who was speaking until I heard him mention the nude pictures of Trump.
  14. Would love to hear one of these guys end his time with "impeach this mother fucker"
  15. Love the front page picture they used.
  16. Is it normal for Supreme Court Justice's to be on TV? Has this been happening and I just haven't noticed? Seems to me like they should avoid being on TV. https://twitter.com/revrrlewis/status/1206930040098902016
  17. I agree. A random bad guy wanting to kidnap/rape/kill a woman would leave the baby behind. I don't see her running away willingly taking her newborn but leaving her older kid behind.
  18. Raw Video of interview. Definitely acting weird but not sure how one is supposed to act under these circumstances.
  19. Yeah, this was Toby after Louie left. He was done.
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