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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. I haven’t checked this thread in a long time. Spent the last two days catching up. Really is the beat thread. Toby has been with us almost three years now. I fought getting a dog for a long time before finally giving in to the kids. Best thing I ever did. I had never had a pet before and now I’m a full on dog person. Open to the idea of a second dog now if the right opportunity comes up. My Toby on the left with Cousin Louie on the right. “You really not going to share your dinner with me mom?”
  2. Aww, the republicans have put on their serious face this morning.
  3. Will they take a break for the night? Or just keep going and going and going. Republicans hoping they can outlast Democrats.
  4. They’re still going?? It’s the same 30-40 people talking all day? When will they end for the day.
  5. No you’re not. It’s the same shit over and over again.
  6. Gohmert talking about saying it's ridiculous for the white house to turn over information over and over again until they find a crime like that wasn't done to the Clinton.
  7. I wish someone would mention the 66 million votes for Clinton when they mention the overturning the vote of 63 million Americans.
  8. Ok, and I'm out. Going to listen to Taylor Swift instead.
  9. I hate the "but they didn't announce an investigation and they got their money" argument. BECAUSE HE GOT CAUGHT!
  10. Are you a fan of train wrecks? I'm listening for now but not sure how much I can take.
  11. Finally someone bringing up that aid was released in 2017 and 2018 and Trump wasn't concerned with corruption until Biden was the leading candidate.
  12. Censure is bullshit. Isn’t much more than a strongly worded letter.
  13. Just double checking, but I didn't miss a response to this right? He didn't grow balls and actually answer questions?
  14. This is a shit show and it’s because of the Republicans behavior.
  15. How you sitting in this committee and you don't know the rules?
  16. Not to mention Ukraine was given aid in 2017 and 2018.
  17. In the senate trial, will the president be able to call any witnesses? Like he's threatened to call Pelosi, Shicff, et.al?
  18. I hate the argument that it's overturning the 2016 election. NO IT'S NOT!!
  19. Talk to McConnell about that one. He refuses to bring anything sent from the house to the senate floor.
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