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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. Because that’s their fucking job. You can’t have a president running around doing whatever the fuck he wants without consequences. If the Senate Republicans choose not to convict him, so be it. Their names will be in the record books as being okay with this sort of behavior from a President.
  2. Thanks for calling out the “too emotional” bullshit.
  3. Too emotional?? You did heat Collins yelling through his opening right? Was that too emotional? Did you think all the republicans were too emotional in the public hearing a couple weeks ago?
  4. Oh Professor Karlan mad. Nice reprimand on Collins. He tried to get a word in and she didn’t let him in.
  5. attack the process not the facts. Totally what innocent people do.
  6. Oh look, two old white dudes I can barely understand are in charge.
  7. I didn’t realize we have given Ukraine money three times now. I would think it’s a good point to bring up during impeachment inquiry.
  8. Isn't this what Bolton and others have been waiting on? And McGahn is the one who was ordered to to tell the DOJ to stop the russia investigation. Could be interesting to hear from him.
  9. If there was ever a time for a code red...
  10. Ohh, like her no nonsense English accent. I wonder if her loyalty will be questions since she wasn’t born in the US. I bet not.
  11. Ok, who the fuck in Chalupa and why do they keep bring her/him up?
  12. Holmes has a “come at be bro” look to him.
  13. Who is this White guy talking? Has he always been around?
  14. Not watching, just getting out of listening to Eddie Vedder perform in a small intimate theater(not sorry for bragging) Who’s winning?
  15. Autocorrect sucks and I’m really bad about not proofreading. I couldn’t date or marry, I eat just fine
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