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Everything posted by EastTexan

  1. no fuckin way. that's my old school. and it's still ET to me.
  2. STFU. I'm going with Ceddy.
  3. Sorry you're dead. You missed the jizz jar post. I'm just getting caught up on this glorious thread. I'm pretty sure this has been discussed many, many times. Thanks to everyone for the aggy douchery.
  4. That means we got in their heads. With all the positives I saw, and there were many as posted, Ewers play was most impressive. Dude was dealing. Card was better than good on gimpy foot. Hope he keeps it together 'til The Man recovers. Hook Em!!!
  5. I'm way behind on this thread and jumping around a bit. Stumbled on this golden post. Spit coffee over key board.
  6. yea. screw this shit. I'm going to the tell "me about aggy" thread.
  7. I would take our QB room over aggy QB room... I think.
  8. moar QB drills please. too damn funny.
  9. cannot read (paywall). but headline is very,very interesting.
  10. anyone have loochie's take on the coaching mumbo jumbo? probably move the "natty" up a couple years?
  11. All this talk about 2 a days and none from the 60's. Early to mid 60's here. Coaches did not believe in water. Our dry, sun baked practice field had one spot with nice green grass. Teammates and I discovered real fast that it was a small underground water leak. If we got a chance we would scoop up a little water with our hand. After practice we got one cup of some mixed up orange juice. Remember standing in the old locker room shower and guzzling water from the shower (no shower head. just a half inch pipe) for what was probaly 10 minutes. Repeated for evening practice. Many years later discussed this with an old coach of ours. He said it was amazing none of us died, but it was a different time.
  12. hey man. I like your avitar and you have a cool handle. but I ain't repping any of your posts.
  13. Yes. The fact these dumb asses don't know how NIL works is par for the course. And that goes for their so called leaders (dimbo and loochie) also.
  14. wtf. loochie is on tv. fuck the aggy sec.
  15. I never won one after getting married. Big deal.
  16. three finger fade, though.
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