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Everything posted by EastTexan

  1. Gotcha. Have not seen them in a while and I'm old.
  2. ho lee fuk. What a douche.
  3. Cards future fulltime QB starter.
  4. HV III had a great interview post round. Got to respect that young man. Will be easy to root for.
  5. Listening to Zinger makes my eyeballs hurt.
  6. My favorite, of many, is when Barney is recruited for the church choir. He's so bad they kill his mic and Gomer sings his part. Barney's reaction is, well only, truly Barney. As many have said, Barney made the show.
  7. Well then let me tell you about the United States of America. It's a big country in North America. On the right is a whole bunch of water. It's called the Atlantic Ocean. On the left is another big patch of water. It's called the Pacific Ocean. On top is a big country called Canada. It is cold. On the bottom is another big country called Mexico. It is hot down there. The United States sits in the middle of all this.
  8. Na. Dipping snuff and spitting into the wind so hard it hits the driver in the back of the head.
  9. Thought they were the Quackers.
  10. No. She's promoted to Assistant to the President.
  11. It's still East Texas State University to me. Son graduated the year aggy took over. He had the option of ETSU or aggy on the diploma. He told them, fuck aggy.
  12. Hell man. You're going to get CTJ and Sydney all stirred up again.
  13. They are embarresed to put the school names by the helmets. I watch a shit load of college games and I don't recognize half of them. aggy.
  14. Should be ashamed that you watched it close enough to know how many steps there were.
  15. Does the female aggy squeeze their nuts?
  16. On the Ketch twitter stuff. I cannot tell what's real, and what ain't.
  17. Well, at least aggy lost their "natty".
  18. well, it woke you up.
  19. will the Bears let him have sleep-overs?
  20. Agree. Dan Reeves should be in HOF. He was not a blow hard loud mouth like many. Was a hard nosed mf'er. He was cut from the same cloth as Tom Landry. Believe he once said Coach Landry was the reason for wearing a suit on sideline. My first thought hearing of his death was the half back pass against Green Bay. Fuck GB! RIP Dan Reeves.
  21. Damn. Sad to hear. One of the many, good 'uns, that played when Landry got them going at a high level. RIP Dan Reeves.
  22. yep. should have added thumbs up. aggy can patent thumbs up their ass.
  23. fuck that. I've been saying howdy longer than aggy started their cultish howdy shit.
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