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Everything posted by EastTexan

  1. I'm sure Orlando has tinkered with position of different players to get the best alignments and combinations. (Actually not really certain he has done this) Shit like this is done in spring and summer 2adays. I ain't seeing it.
  2. To say it out loud is all anyone needs to know.
  3. Maybe a threesome with a visitor.
  4. Thanks for bringing up Dizzy and Pee Wee. Brings back many memories watching Sat afternoon games with Dad and or Grandfather. "He slud into second" compliments to Dizzy. Galindo sounds like someone doing play by play of a cricket game, who has never seen or played cricket.
  5. EastTexan

    Pouncey gone

    Depressing shit. Fuck it. I'm going to lulz board.
  6. Gotta love left vs far left vs whatever.
  7. Tuned in at half. This is fucking hilarious. Go KSt! fuck ousux!
  8. Well honestly, all our problems were solved after the Sugar Bowl.
  9. Enjoyed the read. Why did you not title the thread, "Tom Herman is Pressing His Buttcheeks Against My Windshield and I'm Close to Slamming the Brakes to the Floor". I know. It's a little dark. Forgive me.
  10. Didn't something like this happen around Dallas a few years ago. Think it was in DMN.
  11. Sam had the int that cost 6 pts, but if not for him we lose to fucking Kansas.
  12. I know it ain't right, but I can't stop watching this. Or it may be ok. Screw me.
  13. I'm old and white. I could give a shit about Rudy.
  14. Screw it all. Sixteen team, double elimination tournament.
  15. To self "do not engage left wing kooks. They get their little feelings hurt when you do not agree with them."
  16. Friends grandmother would not eat a hamburger. Said she did not like ham.
  17. I kinda agree with 'ol kkl ovaries on the table. Bringing out the best in aggy.
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