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Everything posted by EastTexan

  1. the twin guys=dumb & dumber
  2. I'm interested. Hang half a hundred on aggy
  3. Hard for me to admit that I became a Manning Monday Night Football fan last year.
  4. Thank you for this thread. When I was young and dumb many years ago, I thought like many that cops were only out to get us. And it is true there are rotten apples in the barrel. But we have many more good police officers out there. It's good that they are getting their recognition. Ain't nothing perfect, but I am thankful for the many policemen, firemen, EMT's, ER nurses that step up every day for our safety. God Bless them!
  5. I would watch. With the same announcers. Kind of Benny Hillish.
  6. aggy---"man Sumlin fucked us."
  7. And to think our #1 prank was putting Cramergesic(sp) in someones jock.
  8. Wasn't Guam supposed to tip over?
  9. "didn't start it". You sure about that bro?
  10. MrPhelgm did invent this thread. 1410 pages on surly and probably more on shaggy. yea, I miss his bs.
  11. Also would like to thank Crash. I would believe the K on his t-shirt is part of "FUCK OU".
  12. Don't care about Shanahan. Just glad SF got their ass beat. side note/This KC Super Bowl OT win brought back, to my old ass, memory of the Dallas Texans/Oilers AFL Championship in 1962. Texans win, although the great Abner Haynes muffs the coin toss call for first OT. Great game. Will have to find it and watch again. First Dallas pro football championship. Good times for 14 yr old kid.
  13. There are this type dick headed articles popping up about once a week. Saw one recently at a site I had not heard of. A lot of jealous fuckers out there.
  14. In my mind VY was pointing to the db that was not to be blocked, so he could juke the fuck out of him on one of his patented runs.
  15. Thankful there was no portal back in the shaggy days. Thread would have gone off the rails.
  16. You are correct, but aggy going to fight them for that trophy.
  17. I always believed Jimbo would have remained at aggy, when he was gifted that stupid contract, with a much smaller bonus. Who the fuck was going to steal him. Per norm for aggy, they were bamboozled.
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