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Everything posted by EastTexan

  1. I hope Sark reads this thread so he will know what fucking plays to call.
  2. ain't woke up from his night of jetsetting
  3. Yes. In the late 70's my little brother took his first coaching job in Prosper. We visited him and the area was how you described it. All the "small farm and ranch towns" north of Dallas have been growing for years.
  4. Damn. What a sick fucking picture.
  5. Probably shoot their dicks off.
  6. Thanx for your SS contributions. Brat and I need them.
  7. Thanks for this. Brings back memories of watching the Humble replays with Kern Tips as a five year old that could not get enough football. Interesting seeing all the things that distinguished the game back then. Flags that marked the goal lines, crepe paper on the goal posts, T-Formation, dive plays, quick pitches, fullback traps, no face masks and even a single wing. Could have done without the aggy band though. Now I will have to waste several hours watching more of these.
  8. at least it ain't your ovaries. now I'm over to the aggy screenshot thread for some grins. Hook'em!
  9. and a&i has sucked for more than several years. years ago they were kinda good.
  10. pretty damn funny. glad it wasn't the full segment. can only stand so much of loochie. what a douche.
  11. An old friend years ago was a damn good welder, machinest and character. Could make anything out of metal. When asked if he could weld, his response was, "I can weld a pigs ass to linoleum".
  12. hmmm, East Texas State. I'm impressed.
  13. did not notice date until after rep. hope your son is well and thank him for me. Mrs east Texan and I watched last three episodes this weekend. Problably watched series every year since its release.
  14. Team Golf is the Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup.
  15. okra? its spelt and sed okry.
  16. you talking about the width of their lineman?
  17. who could've guessed. aggy screen shots going to shit.
  18. and he told it like it is.
  19. aggy/ I still see a 9 to 10 win season. jimbo will find a way.
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