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Johnny Sack

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Posts posted by Johnny Sack

  1. 4 minutes ago, Eggo said:

    I feel like the last year and a half since Sark was hired has been a constant murmur of "Dude sucks. I hope I'm wrong" and similar variants. You don't hope you're wrong. You hope you're right so you can continue to cling to your binary view of the world. If Texas wins a lot this year, it's going to be thanks to Bijan and the team. If Texas loses a lot, it's because Sark is bad and he should feel bad. 

    It's all getting old. Older than Armybrat.

    I do think he sucks and I hope I am wrong and will relish eating crow.  Usually when I have a feeling like this about a Texas coach it is proven true.

    We had dipshits defending Charlie Strong his last year.  Same with Shaka.  When it was glaringly obvious both were absolute failures.  He is not quite to that level yet, admittedly.  But his track record overall and at Texas means any prediction of success is basically a blind leap of faith.

    He is one hell of a coordinator.  Elite.  And PK has a track record of being elite as a DC.  So success is not impossible like it was glaringly obvious to anyone with an IQ over room temperature a couple seasons in under Strong and Shaka.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. On 8/23/2022 at 7:10 AM, Post Oak said:

    Lilith is the number one hottie on the show.  Even over all of Sams babes.

    Give me this chick.  



  3. 9 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    I’m not exactly sure where ctj stands: Immediately post Meyer, he seemed to think Sark was a pretty decent hire. Now it seems more like 6 loss Steve. Personally, I think if the coaches can recruit, the results will follow. And recruiting now is primarily NIL which requires alumni support.

    Maybe because since then he went 5-7, lost 6 in a row, and to KU at home.

  4. On 8/17/2022 at 12:26 PM, tx 3 putt said:

    after many years on the sideline, getting back into bird hunting. picked up a lease down by baffin bay.


    anyone else a lifetime license holder ?

    Yes sir.  Since 2000

  5. 4 hours ago, pacman said:

    And he had the benefit of building his record and early reputation in the AAC instead of the pac-12.

    Say what you will about Dark, but the football community has decided he was good enough for Washington, USC, and now Texas.

    Texas has done a stellar job hiring football coaches in the last 50 years.  That’s a feather in his cap for sure.  

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    Somewhat of a bizarro world TexAgs we've got here.

    There, current coach can do no wrong and any suggestion to the contrary is grounds for banning. 

    Here, our coach is the worst and his predecessor who we fired is actually better.


    I mean, Herman is a better coach.  Both have a sufficient track record to make a fair comparison.  I still wanted him gone.

    I just never in my wildest dreams imagine we would hire Sarkisian.  It was galactically fucking stupid.  I would have kept Herman another year before hiring that spare if that was the best I could do.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 43 minutes ago, Focht Up said:

    We'll have to agree to disagree.  The world doesn't exist where I'd be singing the praises of Tom Herman.

    I am not praising him.  I think he needed to go.  Sark is worse.  I am not hopeful given his track record here and last year's disaster that he will ever even come close to what Tom Herman did (which was below par).

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  8. 35 minutes ago, Focht Up said:

    I predict this post will not age well  Sark is light years better than Tom Herman.

    I don't see it.

    Tom Herman is 54-22 as a head coach.  He has a top 10 finish at UH and another top 10 finish at Texas.  We won NY6 bowl games at both  UH and Texas, the Peach and Sugar Bowls, respectively. In his six years of coaching, he finished in the top 25 4 times in his 6 years as a head coach.

    Sarkisian is 51-42 as a head coach.  He's finished ranked twice in his 9 years as a head coach.  His best ranking was #21 at USC.  HIs signature bowl win was the Holiday Bowl when USC beat unranked Nebraska 45 to 42.

    Light years my ass.


    • Hook 'Em 5
  9. 2 minutes ago, NoName said:

    literally all that needs to be said about this is that Charlie Strong was fired 11/26/16 and found a new job as a head coach 12/11/26 at USF.

    Tom Herman was fired 1/2/21 and still does not have a head coaching job, was an offensive analyst for the Bears and was let go when they brought on a new coach in January 2022. THIS MONTH, EIGHT MONTHS LATER, he just got a job at CBS Sports Network (not regular CBS) as part of a team with Robert Turbin/Christian Fauria (UConn Games) and Meghan McPeak.

    He was like 46 when he was fired at Texas, not exactly old. Young enough to get back into the game if you wanted to. But...he hasn't.

    That sure worked out well for USF.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  10. 7 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I don't think I've seen one like Ricky since. Peterson maybe in some ways was as dominant when healthy. I'll take 75% of RW's production from Bijan this year and that probably gets him to NY and Texas with 8+ wins, I imagine.

    There is a strong argument that Ricky is the greatest college running back of all time.

    Bijan is really, really good.  I would love to be wrong about this year and we pull out 9 or more wins.  I just cannot believe in a coach who lost six fucking games in a row.  Or who blew the lead we had against OU.

    I would be thrilled to be wrong about Sark.  

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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, F250 said:

    The worst was when he would get that 1000 yard stare on the sidelines.

    My favorite was against at the end of the half one year against Okie State.  Less than 30 seconds left.  We have two timeouts.  It is third down and we are in field goal range.  Dumb fuck takes a delay of game penalty and knocks our kicker out of his comfortable range.  We miss it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  12. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    No shit? You'd have said the same about Saban. Sociopath's are better at changing their strategies and tactics than the rest of us, given that they're not hemmed in by emotional attachments. That said, yeah man, I don't need a fucking update that the ship has sailed on him at Texas. I also would prefer to not have to bear further witness to all of the nonsensical "we dodged a bullet there" bullshit from imbeciles on this board while Steve Sarklostagain is coaching the program in Meyer's stead.

    Funny, this is the exact same stuff that Sarkisian is telling anyone who will listen. It being said here is fine. Our HC saying it to donors and media is not a good look going into his second season.

    You need to "trust the coaches", sir!

  13. 35 minutes ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    Charlie Strong was the single dumbest game day coach I have ever witnessed at the University of Texas and perhaps ever. 

    Nobody comes close.

    Now, now, now.  Let's be fair.  His roster management was almost as dumb.  Like not going after a QB transfer and rolling with a starting QB whose name he did not even know.  Just how dumb was that son of a bitch?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. 40 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

    Herman left the program worse than he found it. I would rather see Strong part deux, than ever see Herman back at Texas. I know Strong would at least leave a bunch of talent. 

    Strong left a bunch of talent?  You should call up some NFL teams and let them know they have missed out on a bunch of Charlie Strong specials.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, MoJames said:

    Coaches Johnny Sack has been more excited about.



    I would rank them Herman, Sark, and Strong.

    Strong was in a special class of regardness that it least made it entertaining.  Watching that clueless bumblefuck try and coach at least was good for some laughs.

    Herman needed to go.  But we downgraded with Sarkisian.  At least that is my view until proven otherwise.

    • Drool 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, The Original Greaser Bob said:

    I'm totally excited, even if that means we will be moving on to a new coach.  This year is going to be fun.

    I guess.  My expectations are so low.  Oh well, more time for hunting and fishing.  Love my falls in Texas.

  17. On 8/17/2022 at 1:40 PM, Macanudo said:

    I've always kind of thought that they anonymity of AA was a problem, albeit small in the grand scheme of things.  

    Don't worry about outing yourself.   In time, if your serious talking about alcohol and it's grip on you will become easier.   To me, it was liberating especially with my loved ones and closest friends.   Being honest with them led to more introspection on my part.   Putting it out here, 6 months ago, brought a different kind of accountability.   I know I won't get judged if I fall off the wagon here.  And people will understand.   Just like in an AA meeting.  

    So let go.  




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  18. On 8/13/2022 at 8:10 AM, Parliament said:

    Y'all chill out.  WHO's got this:

    The World Health Organization says it's holding an open forum to rename the disease monkeypox, after some critics raised concerns the name could be derogatory or have racist connotations.

    They make a good point, but renaming it will make many people think there's a whole NEW disease.  WHO needs to focus on, you know, stopping the disease.



    Systemic racism is everywhere, pal.  Got to fight it on all fronts.

    • Haha 1
  19. On 8/11/2022 at 9:28 PM, dcar00 said:

    the grid didn't crater so there's gonna be a lil' bit o' disappointment round these parts...

    I was in Colorado most of the summer, but my clocks weren't blinking when we got back, so I guess things worked okay while we were gone.

    Overall, the Texas grid works well and is very reliable notwithstanding Winter Storm Uri, which was remarkable not only in how cold it was but how cold it was over such a large area of the state.  And we pay about 25 percent less per kwh than the national average.

    Maybe we should go with the heavily regulated California model and pay more than double per kwh and have brownouts when it's 85 degrees.

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