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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. You should start a thread on Trump. This board needs another. This thread is about the corrupt entity BLM.
  2. Yes, we don't talk about racism at all in this country. For fuck sakes is there any country in the world that talks about racial issues half as much as the USA?
  3. Unless your house is a dump, it shouldn't be hard to sell and move.
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/black-lives-matter-paid-4m-board-secretary-co-founders-brother-father-child
  5. Our school now they let everyone know if there is a positive but do not shut anything down. The sick kid stays home until 24 hours without a fever.
  6. I have a split level in my garage. It's where I workout. It is also insulated and sheet rocked. I keep it on about 65. I have not noticed any difference in my electric bills since I installed it. I keep the house around 73.
  7. I take and ignore 10 insults and falsehoods about me for every 1 I give out.
  8. Repeaters existed when the second was ratified. So Brisket was wrong. Jesus you sumbitches will team play and goal tend as much as any Trumper.
  9. If the state did all that, would it change your view on abortion?
  10. Hopefully Myers comes back before ASB and we can see how he does. Otherwise we should add a CF or catcher.
  11. https://thethermidor.com/the-puckle-gun/ Patented in 1718, 73 years prior to the ratification of the 2nd Amendment. Then you have the Kalthoff Repeater: Designed in 1630, the Kalthoff Repeater was a flintlock rifle that could fire between 30-60 rounds per minute. It went through multiple variations, some able to fire 29 shots without reloading, similar to the standard magazine capacities of the Colt AR-15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalthoff_repeater Or the Cookson Repeater The Cookson Repeater was a repeating rifle designed in the late 17th century. It used a rotating drum magazine and had a fourteen shot capacity. The gun could fire all fourteen shots without reloading, a feat which was only surpassed by the Kalthoff Repeater. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookson_repeater
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/electricity-shortage-warnings-grow-across-u-s/ar-AAX2p1F?li=BBorjTa
  13. Congrats on having the baristas with multiple worthless degrees and $200k in student loans in yours. Because those are the smart ones.
  14. Noted right wing rag Vox thinks Joe/Democrats are responsible for inflation.
  15. You think it has changed much since then? I am thinking due to increased child tax credits it's probably more pronounced. We do know the percentage of individuals who pay federal income tax had decreased significantly. It has gone from what, 47% to 61%?
  16. The better move is to convince young people that the system is rigged and that any road blocks and failures they may experience are clearly due to systemic unfairness in the American system. That's the healthy way for people to think and leads to productive and happy lives.
  17. Being born healthy in America means you are privileged compared to most of the world. So what?
  18. It really isn't. If it was red, a whole lot of Biden judges and appointees would not have been confirmed. Manchin is an absolute steal for Democrats. As far as I can tell, the only thing he was against was ending the legislative filibuster (which would fail regardless due to Sinema) and he voted against the abortion bill (which was going to fail regardless). You can't get a better Senator in WV than Manchin. And given he will be up for reelection in a presidential election with high turnout in 2024, there is a strong chance he is done in 2024. Biden has a 74% disapproval rate and is 56 points under water in West Virginia.
  19. What is unfair and how would you make it more fair?
  20. You can have Manchin, who is in a state where 73% of the vote went to Trump, who votes with Democrats/Schumer 95% of the time on contested issues. Or you could get a far right GOP Senator who will vote with Democrats 0% of the time on contested issues. It's as dumb as Republicans who bitch about Susan Collins. It's a gift for Dems to have Manchin just like it is a gift for the GOP to have Collins. You can't get a better result in those states.
  21. It was very wealthy, like another Santa Barbara, when Democrats ran West Virginia up until fairly recently. Then the dern GOP came in and messed up all that prosperity.
  22. That trial court judge won't be having the last say on the issue.
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