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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. First time seeing the new court. It looks great. Simple and clean.
  2. Was it equally disturbing when Blackmun cited Hale in Roe v. Wade?
  3. I truly hope you get the help you need. Going to spend rest of day with my wife and children.
  4. You need therapy. You’re absolutely batshit crazy.
  5. Of course. Simple truths are very stupid to you hacks.
  6. There are probably stats out there. I know there are on race and income and abortion rates.
  7. He advertises his wife's essential oils business on his website. From on Ponzi scheme to another. Dude was a good poster here.
  8. The story is Trump suggesting direct action against cartels. The headline is "Trump wanted to bomb Mexico". I would actually wonder why anyone would have a problem with this. Personally, I would have had no problem with blowing up a bunch of drug cartels and their labs. It isn't like he suggested setting up straw arms buyers and sending weapons to the cartels.
  9. They seem to https://www.ksl.com/article/46721610/latter-day-saint-charities-provided-about-100m-in-assistance-in-2019-reports-show Not to mention their schools and churches.
  10. You think that high comp for executives of nonprofits is unique to religious nonprofits? You think other nonprofits don't have private jets? The vast, vast majority of churches are no mega churches. Those are outliers.
  11. I understand the point you are trying to make. You are trying to cherry pick which 501c3's have merit based on your values. There are plenty of secular liberal 501c3s out there that I do not care for based on my values. I am not discounting donations to them.
  12. Nothing I said is hateful.
  13. You need some therapy.
  14. There is no need for all those excuses. Democrats are stingy when it comes to charity. Cherry pick all you want. As to Osteen, his church is filled with poor minorities. They aren't some big GOP hub. He grifts through book sales, not charitable receipts. Libs always want to discount giving to churches. It's not like they do any good in the community or build hospitals and schools. They don't open their facilities for use by other nonprofits. Taken from your links: These “giving ratios” reveal a consistent pattern. Measured by how much they share out of what they have available, the most generous Americans are not generally those in high-income, urban, liberal states like California or Massachusetts. Rather, people living in states that are more rural, conservative, religious, and moderate in income are our most generous givers. Religious practice is the behavioral variable most consistently associated with generous giving. Charitable effort correlates strongly with the frequency with which a person attends religious services. Evangelical Protestants and Mormons in particular are strong givers. Compared to Protestant affiliation, both Catholic affiliation and Jewish affiliation reduce the scope of average giving, when other influences are held constant. Finer-grain numbers from the PSID show that the faithful don’t just give to religious causes; they are also much more likely to give to secular causes than the non-religious. Among Americans who report that they “never” attend religious services, just less than half give any money at all to secular causes. People who attend services 27-52 times per year, though, give money to secular charities in two thirds of all cases. (See page 1138.)
  15. You should. He hated me because of my politics.
  16. Shit he should come back now. Johnny Mac is starting to look decent compared to our last three hires. Plus, didn't he start the Ponzi Scheme Involving Gold thread back on hornfans? Might be a top 3 thread of all time.
  17. Shit he should come back now. Johnny Mac is starting to look decent compared to our last three hires. Plus, didn't he start the Ponzi Scheme Involving Gold thread back on hornfans? Might be a top 3 thread of all time.
  18. Need Disu to return to form. If he does, that's like adding an all conference player.
  19. That is not true. Practicing Christian pro-life types adopt a lot more kids than lefties. And we certainly no which side is more generous when it comes to reaching into their own pockets to support charities.
  20. I expect a lot of well reasoned arguments in the dissent as to why Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey were correctly decided in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the United States.
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