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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. When did the GOP ever introduce legislation for the individual mandate? I do not believe they ever did. I remember it as an alternative to universal healthcare. Also pretty sure it was more of having a high deductible plan to cover catastrophic care. I do not remember it ever having much support in the GOP, but was suggested as a lesser of two evils. If we did have the HF individual mandate as opposed to ACA's mandates of comprehensive coverage, we would be much better off.
  2. Don't disagree with you there. Embarassing.
  3. Can a 4 year old file a lawsuit?
  4. Other than lock downs, vaccine mandates, the second amendment, free markets, lower taxes, less regulations on your private business, religious freedoms, forced baking cakes, ACA mandates, right to work without being forced to participate in or fund a union, school choice, etc.
  5. You think the war on drugs wasn't bipartisan? It has been a complete shitshow. But both sides have plenty of blood on their hands. Jesus some of the biggest advocates for tough laws on drugs and explicitly crack were black lawmakers. And black clergy. Biden was one of the biggest advocates of the War on Drugs. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/25/18282870/joe-biden-criminal-justice-war-on-drugs-mass-incarceration You guys just love to make shit up.
  6. Don't blame him for going to a conservative school. Three leftists already attacked and tried to kill him. The vast majority of the left have false and nutty ideas about what happened that night. Now their attacks didn't work out that well for them. But next time could be different.
  7. Yes, I don't appreciate being doxxed. You got me there. The dickhead that did it always tries to dance up close to doxxing me when he gets asshurt. Last week was the most recent time.
  8. 80% of the left still thinks he shot three black people because of the media's false light portrayal of the shooting.
  9. Assuming he meets the academic standards, there is no reason not to let him in. He was acquitted of all charges and was the victim of a media smear campaign.
  10. I mean I have family that attend there. Surprised St. John's has many anti-vaxxers. It is ultra, ultra woke.
  11. There aren't swarms of people walking. If someone is walking it's because a parent dropped them off down the street to avoid carpool. I know lots of River Oaks people and have my entire life. I've never met one who sends their kids to Lamar.
  12. What code or canon of judicial ethics are you guys suggesting would be violated here?
  13. How do you think they are doing so?
  14. A bunch of emotional nonsense and rhetoric. Nominees are asked all the time if a controversial case is precedent. They say it is. Because it is. Then they are asked if they would overturn it. They respond the code of judicial ethics prevents them from doing so. None are lying. You are just too stupid or too committed to your cause to know basic truth.
  15. They study more. And people want to punish them for working hard. Getting rid of standardized tests is basically de facto discrimination against Asians. Can’t have too many of them.
  16. Probably because they do less drugs so that eliminates the number one cause.
  17. Ruling will be a win for democracy. Some people are anti-democracy though.
  18. They didn’t lie. They said it was precedent. It is. Until it isn’t. You ask if they overturn it then they won’t answer. Just like Kentangi with Heller and Citizens United.
  19. Was talking about abortion. I guess it’s a very slippery slope though.
  20. They are make work programs for people without serious degrees.
  21. They should do whatever they want.
  22. That’s not a very nice thing to say.
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