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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. TARP was a wash for the fed coffers. Loan forgiveness isn’t. Be some bad debt recognition for the IRS (and I’m sure the forgived will bitch about that). But otherwise not much.
  2. They fire up the printing press. Doesn’t affect me much. Most of my net worth is on real estate. It does hurt others.
  3. I would do it to clear some bread. Not sure he is any better than those guys.
  4. The feds. They also had a method for recapturing it. Almost worked like a loan they collected. They sure as hell forgave nothing.
  5. A lot of people who want loans forgiven are self interested as fuck. It is a horrible idea unless structural changes are made in student lending. Too many people take out way, way too many loans for shitty, worthless degrees.
  6. TARP netted the federal treasury over 66 billion dollars.
  7. Was there some sort of breach of the terms and condition of the loan or are they being applied in the manner stated in the loan documents?
  8. I think I recall a David Chase interview where he said Altieri was a rat.
  9. Knocked out season 1 last night on treadmill then after dinner. Going to knock out season 2 tonight.
  10. Guessing there is a lot of shit being deleted at Twitter right now.
  11. I think it's largely a procedural issue they are reviewing.
  12. You think it is just Trump and the right? Our media -- social and regular -- does a terrible job of informing the public on basic facts. I saw another poll where the majority of white liberal women thought that 9 percent of the American population has died from Covid. Then you have this--
  13. Move to Texas and save more. California is one of the least friendly states for employers. Lots of regulations. Hostile laws and courts.
  14. Martin Luther Cream Talcum X Snow J Simpson Mayo Angelou Neal Degrasse Uwhiteson Honky Kong
  15. Talcum X just deleted his account. That’s a shame.
  16. True. Twitter sucks though. There is some chance he makes it better.
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