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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. Wrong. I do care. Have one in my family and a couple gays also. The last president I voted for was the first one ever elected who was pro gay marriage in running for a first term.
  2. I am not in recovery. But I quit drinking some time ago. Might fire up some bud.
  3. He doesn’t rattle. Doesn’t mean he won’t have a bad game. But I don’t think his blood pressure or heart rate deviate 5 percent up or down in a game. Pure ice water in his veins.
  4. Took my wife and kids to Manhattan. Watched second half on my phone at Balthazar. Looking forward to watching it when we get home. Hook ‘em. Congrats to team and staff.
  5. Aren’t you the one who has repeatedly said on this website you’re retirement plan is to commit suicide? That sadness grieves my heart. I was miserable too until I started walking with Christ. I strongly recommend you let Him in your heart and accept him as your savior.
  6. You seem like a very unhappy person. I hope I’m wrong about that.
  7. Username checks out. The pure class El Tri fans are famous for.
  8. Of all the hateful, sidebar insults in this thread directed at me and Poe, it is telling you choose only to criticize me for an innocuous and dumb joke I made quoting Ricky Bobby's dad Reese.
  9. Are you a believer? Have you accepted Jesus Christ is the son of Gods and your personal savior?
  10. I was clear. Gays should have all civil rights under the law. That is a separate issue from religion. I can support gays right to a marriage license but not their right to have my church marry them. Separation of church and state. My religious beliefs shouldn’t impact the rights of others under the law of the state
  11. One has the ability to not have homosexual sex, which is the sin. Paul was celibate. Maybe because he preferred men. I don’t know.
  12. I have no idea. I can’t speak for churches I don’t attend. I can tell you this, I’ve sat in the same pew for 15 years and have never heard one word about homosexuality pro or con. I have heard porn mentioned. And many other sins. People should find better churches if theirs are doing it wrong. I don’t need my church to discuss homosexuality. I’d prefer sermons exclusively on sins that I struggle with. I won’t attend one who sanctions it or any other sin.
  13. Many alcoholics have a genetic predisposition to being drunk all the time. That doesn’t excuse their sin of drunkenness. They must repent and not deliberately continue in sin. Jesus forgave the woman caught in sexual sin. He also told her to go and sin no more.
  14. Sins are equal. We all sin. Sin is rebellion against God and requires repentance.
  15. Well, prior to law school I used to believe gay marriage should be unlawful. I also used to believe as a very young Christian who grew up in the Church of Christ that we were the only ones going to heaven. I no longer believe that and have not worshipped in a Church of Christ regularly (aside from with family when visiting on occasion) in a couple decades. (My opinion on that and the opinion on most C of C ers changed probably back in the 80s, at least where I worshipped). That belief is something I only believed when I was a child. There is no support for it in the bible and it was 100% wrong. My positions on women's proper role in the church has evolved as I have studied the issue. I voted as a deacon to support adding women as deacons at my church. I believe that is absolutely scriptural. I am open to changing positions when I see sound and biblical reason to do so.
  16. They could always play the sovereign immunity card. Might make it hard to hire the next coach without some sort of huge and nonrefundable signing bonus.
  17. In the words of C.S. Lewis, Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. I believe He is exactly who He said He is.
  18. I have no interest in debating scripture with people who start from a place where they do not believe any of it. My belief on what the bible says about homosexuality is my good faith belief. It does not affect you in any way. I strongly believe gays should be afforded all equal rights under the law, including the right to be married. I have no issue with Title VII being extended to gays and transgenders, despite my belief Congress never intended that result when it passed the law in 1964. Does not matter to me. Does not hurt anything. I wouldn't expect a muslim to have any interest in debating me about the various interpretations of the Quran. Same with Hindus and The Vedas. I just don't care what nonbelievers think about God's Word. Their views are not relevant to me. I don't expect my views to be relevant to them. I don't care if they don't care about my views. We are coming from completely different places. This is a thread for Christ followers. I am more interested in what they have to say. I have no ill will towards any Christian who believes homosexual sex is not a sin and that the Bible/Jesus approves of gay marriage. Their views don't impact me. Maybe they are right. Maybe I am. I can only go with what I believe the Bible says. If I am wrong, at Judgment I will tell my Savior so and do my best to explain I was seeking His will based on the scriptures and my imperfect and human viewpoint. I have the humility to know I may be wrong. Some seem awfully confident in their contrary opinion despite scant or no scriptural evidence to support their boastful confidence. Either way, 1st Corinthians 13:12 says: For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
  19. Seems a little judgmental. Do you believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, came to earth and died at Calvary for your sins?
  20. They don't believe the scriptures are true. There is no use arguing which interpretation should be correct. They don't believe in either one.
  21. Don’t know and don’t care. I couldn’t even tell you what the Southern Baptist doctrine is. I don’t consider myself one. If you have specifics about the SBC you disagree with, what are they? I might agree with you. I like autonomous churches. Christ Is the head of His church. Not denominations or conventions.
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