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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. Any chance China would take shipments of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines? Could be a win win.
  2. All the Russian collusion stuff that was posted by cloak room idiots for 4 years. Might crash the board moving it.
  3. Troph left over the Lia Thomas thread. Because we didn’t think a man should swim against women. If I get banned for that opinion so fucking be it.
  4. In this thread are cloak roomers hating democracy. Elections have consequences. And Ron is far more popular now than when he was elected.
  5. He is popular. And he’s running the schools and state like the majority of Florida wants him to. Oregon and Washington take a completely different approach. You can read about it. It’s nice that people have options and can choose where to live.
  6. What’s going on in Florida and their educational choices is democracy. Desantis is more popular than ever. Purple haired freaks don’t like it. But they are in the minority.
  7. It’s not the poor pushing for public schools to embrace radical gender identity to 5 year olds. It’s wealthy white liberals. The poor largely don’t like it any more than I do. White wealthy libs and their luxury beliefs. Like defunding police.
  8. There are other options for those who don’t like Desantis and Florida. He’s popular and Florida is redder than ever. It’s trending from purple to red. More people should vote with their feet. There are plenty of states that will teach all the transgenderism you want. They’ll have their in-school pride parades and ask kids to announce pronouns. Different strokes for different folks.
  9. They weren’t anti war. They were anti Bush. Obama executed by drone American citizens without due process and they gave zero fucks.
  10. Now do New York and Illinois gerrymandering.
  11. Nothing has hurt kids more than shutting down schools. You fucksticks own that. This book being removed from a library doesn’t make one fucking difference. Shutting down schools did. Especially the poorest kids. So fuck right off blaming the GOP for hurting kids.
  12. God damn you’re dumb. Where did I ever say it was space related? They remove books because the community wants it removed. They add others the community wants. were you bitching when woke districts removed Huck Finn? Who gives a shit. Let each community decide what is in its public school library. You get to elect the school board. Who has ultimate control.
  13. Lots of different options on places to live. I’m sure you and yours can find a nice place elsewhere. I’m glad not every state is the same. I prefer how we do it in Texas. Others don’t. People have been voting with their feet.
  14. Nice straw man. I didn’t argue that at all.
  15. The point of a school library isn’t to have every book ever available. The community through its leadership decides which books to make available. School libraries add and remove books all the time.
  16. I’m sure one can walk in there with the book. The district removed it as one of its library offerings. Plenty of lib districts had Tom Sawyer removed for the N bomb. They didn’t ban the book though. They removed it.
  17. Removed is an accurate term. Banned isn’t. The book isn’t prohibited.
  18. And I posted it because one of my friends and am hunting with sent it to me several hours ago.
  19. We are talking about the Florida laws Desantis has signed. This thread is about Desantis and Florida. It’s 1250 plus posts. 6 or so concern the picture book one ISD removed from its libraries. The rest don’t. Mine is one of the rest.
  20. It has to do with another issue being discussed on the thread. I can’t understand it for you.
  21. It’s from CNN you dipshit https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/04/22/us/florida-math-textbooks-critical-race-theory-examples/index.html And chilling effect? School employees have no first amendment protections in the schoolhouse.
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