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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. All sorts of libs called Bush a racist Nazi when he was running for president after his successful term as a Texas governor.
  2. A young man who was helping his community and shot three pieces of shit leftists who attacked him without justification. He is zero risk to anyone except the pieces of shit you mourn that attacked him without provocation or justification.
  3. The man has an uncanny ability for picking fights that he 1) knows the other side will refuse to bow out of and 2) knows that he will win in a knockout. He has the entire Democratic party throwing a national shit-fit defending teaching transgenderism to kindergartners. It's phenomenal.
  4. I said there are socialist Dem heavyweights and thought leaders. AOC, Sanders, Tlaib, Cori Bush. Are these individuals, who are members of the Democrat Socialists of America, not party heavyweights and thought leaders? You think Bernie Sanders would have had a snowball's chance in hell of being a serious primary contender 20 years ago? Or 30 years ago?
  5. I am not opposed to a state income tax. I just don't trust that we would add it and then reduce or eliminate property taxes.
  6. No democrat can tell you what a woman is -- Jesus Obama was anti gay marriage when he ran for President in 2008. Democrats have unashamed socialists as party heavyweights and thought leaders. Dems in Dallas, Harris and Travis counties have a real hard time winning any primary unless they are the right color or sex. It is either a straight up lie or self delusion to claim Republicans have veered more from the center than Democrats the last 20-30 years. It's largely white liberals causing this extreme shift to the left. Some observations from one of Obama's staffers (and a socialist) -- data scientist David Shor: At the subgroup level, Democrats gained somewhere between half a percent to one percent among non-college whites and roughly 7 percent among white college graduates (which is kind of crazy). Our support among African Americans declined by something like one to 2 percent. And then Hispanic support dropped by 8 to 9 percent....One implication of these shifts is that education polarization went up and racial polarization went down. ....What happened in 2020 is that nonwhite conservatives voted for Republicans at higher rates; they started voting more like white conservatives....Clinton voters with conservative views on crime, policing, and public safety were far more likely to switch to Trump than voters with less conservative views on those issues. And having conservative views on those issues was more predictive of switching from Clinton to Trump than having conservative views on any other issue-set was. ....This lines up pretty well with trends we saw during the campaign. In the summer, following the emergence of “defund the police” as a nationally salient issue, support for Biden among Hispanic voters declined. So I think you can tell this microstory: We raised the salience of an ideologically charged issue that millions of nonwhite voters disagreed with us on. And then, as a result, these conservative Hispanic voters who’d been voting for us despite their ideological inclinations started voting more like conservative whites. ....Over the last four years, white liberals have become a larger and larger share of the Democratic Party....And since white voters are sorting on ideology more than nonwhite voters, we’ve ended up in a situation where white liberals are more left wing than Black and Hispanic Democrats on pretty much every issue: taxes, health care, policing, and even on racial issues or various measures of “racial resentment.” So as white liberals increasingly define the party’s image and messaging, that’s going to turn off nonwhite conservative Democrats and push them against us. ....If Democrats elevate issues or theories that a large minority of nonwhite voters reject, it’s going to be hard to keep those margins....Black conservatives and Hispanic conservatives don’t actually buy into a lot of these intellectual theories of racism. They often have a very different conception of how to help the Black or Hispanic community than liberals do. And I don’t think we can buy our way out of this trade-off. Most voters are not liberals. If we polarize the electorate on ideology — or if nationally prominent Democrats raise the salience of issues that polarize the electorate on ideology — we’re going to lose a lot of votes. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/03/david-shor-2020-democrats-autopsy-hispanic-vote-midterms-trump-gop.html
  7. That’s a joke. The GOP has moved very little from where it was 20-30 years ago. The democrats have moved way to the left. You have admitted and proud socialists who are party heavyweights.
  8. This is how the game has to be played now. We'll still have the old guard fantasizing about magically returning to the days of William F. Buckley calmly debating his foes, regaling everyone with his well-reasoned soliloquys, but those days are gone (and I wish to hell that they weren't). There's no playing nice anymore. GWB tried to play nice and spent 8 years getting called Hitler (and that was when the left was 1/10th as vicious as they are now). McCain was the "maverick" who made his bones "reaching across the aisle," and the second he clinched the Republican nomination he became a racist old cancer patient who would personally use coat hangers to abort babies in back-alleys. Mitt Romney was practically a caricature of a moderate, temperate Northeastern old-school Republican who cared more about playing nice with the other side than actually advancing conservatism, and he got turned into an early-1900s robber baron who literally gave a man cancer. The only way now is to throw their own depravities back into their faces, call them the degenerate sickos that they are, and use every power you have to destroy them, because they'll sure do the same to you.
  9. Guess they are just lucky when it comes to earning money.
  10. Really love Allen. Think he is better if Disu can return to form and we have some other shooters/scorers.
  11. Post war American homes were 2000 feet. People consumed a lot less 60 years ago. Less clothes. Less food. Less entertainment. Less material possessions. Closets were smaller. No one had storage sheds for all their shit. Most families had one car. Vacations were to public parks or grandmas. You ate out maybe a couple times a month. Probably because they lived through a depression, but people were a lot more careful how they spent. The standard of living has exploded the last 70 years.
  12. You think other states with governments more to your political preference don’t have these same issues?
  13. So, but Trump? If only there was another thread or 20 to discuss his actions
  14. What’s your question? That Abrams really won? She didn’t. And claimed she did. And BLM is a fraud. Only good thing they do is rip off white liberals.
  15. Liberals are very generous with other’s money. And have gator arms when it comes time to reach into their own pockets. It’s always been that way.
  16. I don’t think you understand the concept of equity.
  17. Let us know how it should be done. And how white wealthy Austin should pay in less.
  18. My kids have used zero dollars of public schools. I just laugh at rich white libs bitching about Robinhood. NIMBY at its best.
  19. White rich Austin libs don’t want to share their wealth.
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