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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. Woke white libs getting their ox gored doesn’t bother me.
  2. Short term rentals totally aren’t an issue in other states. I think you nailed it. It’s the Texas Supreme Court.
  3. I’m guessing formula isn’t based on raw numbers. But richer districts and cities paying more. If a city has ten million people but the average home value is less than state average, they probably aren’t kicking in much.
  4. He seemed to be including them as part of Austin’s contribution.
  5. Most of HISD is filled with absolute shitholes. It’s why I write a $50k check every July 2. Austin isn’t like that.
  6. Austin has slightly different demographics than Houston. Especially Eanes and Lake Travis.
  7. Yeah he had 10.5 TFLs as a sophomore. Not sure our entire front 7 two deep had that many.
  8. Short term rentals are a problem in any vacation area.
  9. Total tax burden for state and local taxes in Texas -- we are ranked 32nd. NY is #1. Cali and Illinois are 9 and 10. https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494
  10. Illinois residents pay 9.7% of their income in state and local taxes. Texas residents pay 8.22% of their income in state and local taxes. https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494
  11. Put in a cash offer on a home a few weeks ago in West U. 5% over list. The winner went 20% over list.
  12. But if you're building new, square footage still drives price. You have a lot that is worth $750k. You need to build a two story that is 4k feet instead of a one story that is 2k feet.
  13. Harris is just the ticket to turn the ship around.
  14. I think subscription driverless cars are going to make trains and highspeed rail a lot less attractive for most consumers. And sooner, rather than later.
  15. Now look at his statements about his law school rank. 76 out of 85 in his shit box law school = top half.
  16. He was on campus 8 times in 4 years. Full professor? He was saying he spent a lot of time on campus. He was an honorary professor who gave a couple speeches.
  17. full professor just like he took down Corn Pop
  18. Wife has been in Italy with my mom and some friends for a couple weeks. It’s amazing how we are now always 5 minutes early to everywhere.
  19. I have not dug into this one yet. But given the bipartisanship and not just the ignorant people who were claiming Rodney Reed was innocent, it definitely makes me want to take a look.
  20. If they don’t vote for Biden, they ain’t LatinX
  21. Wasn't Prentiss Elliott a known gang banger when Okie Lite let him in?
  22. Don't bring back flower if you're driving back from CO. Just bring gummies. No way they have PC to search your car if all you have are gummies.
  23. If you get into an Ivy or Stanford for law school, you absolutely have elite intellectual horsepower. But the problem is that getting into those schools is the only hard part. You can do nothing and graduate -- they are almost impossible to fail out of. Most who do matriculate at those schools are smart and work hard. But a minority but not insignificant amount of them are smart but lazy and don't do shit but show up and get their degrees. Lower ranked but still good law schools will weed out those who aren't willing to do any work.
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