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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. You see a lot of Christians that want to kill homosexuals for their sins? I don’t see evidence of that.
  2. So your belief is that non-believers in Europe, the USA and the rest of the world are better human beings than believers in Christ?
  3. @Celery Man are you a believer? Do you believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and died tor your sins so that you can have eternal life?
  4. In this thread I’m learning I’m a terrible Christian because I believe the Bible is true and I’d be a better one for ignoring the parts that do not conform to society. I know what the Old and New Testament say about homosexual sex. I know that Jesus said marriage is between and man and a woman. I get there can be disagreements over interpretations. I admin that maybe I am wrong about mine. Maybe Jesus didn’t mean to exclude same sex marriage when he discussed marriage. Do any of you have the humility to think that just maybe you’re interpretations are wrong? This question is only for believers. Doesn’t apply to the atheists and agnostics because as non-believers you don’t have any skin in the game on whether the scriptures are true. You don’t believe in them. some of my fellow Christians seem confident homosexual sex isn’t a sin and and same sex marriages are scriptural. I don’t see given what God’s word says and doesn’t say on these issues where you get that confidence. If you’re wrong you may be harming others and the Kingdom by not professing truth. For the record I’m not 100 percent confident on the issue. I’m not God. But based upon what scriptures we have, I can’t really take a contrary position. I think a contrary position is scripturally baseless.
  5. Not sure the ones who make policy and despise browns and blacks in Europe are all Christians. Lots of atheists and agnostics over there. Lots of just cultural Christians You paint with a very large brush against a lot of people. There are very many wonderful American Christians. I think Americans are no different than any others. We do a lot of good in the world. Including subsidizing European defense and medical r&d they get a free ride on
  6. Those Western European countries you idolize certainly love and welcome in brown and blacks. You can tell it by their very welcoming immigration policies. And how they kindly give bananas to black soccer players. So nice of them to feed those hungry players during games. Shame on Americans for not following their lead.
  7. You seem to really despise American Christians. Is it your position that Christians in other countries are better? If so, which countries have better Christians than the USA? Or is it that Americans of other faiths or no faith are better than Americans of the Christian faith? It's amazing you are such a repository of information. Very impressive.
  8. I quit drinking for good some time ago. Been the best thing ever for me physically, spiritually, and professionally. But yes I have posted things I regret in that forum.
  9. Plenty of evidence of that in the last few pages. But not from me or Poe. Some can’t discuss without insults. That hatefulness is on them.
  10. Yep. My thoughts exactly. I’m not going to spend more time arguing with the lost over it. It isn’t productive.
  11. You talk about kindness and love. And then insult. Something you do almost as frequently as your carpet bomb negs, which -- and I must admit I admire your dedication to -- are amusing at least. Are you a believer with a daily walk with Christ?
  12. It's not worse. Anyone who says so is lying. The issue is homosexual sex -- like any other sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman -- is a sin some churches condone and preach that it is okay to deliberately commit unrepentantly. No one does that with other sins, to my knowledge. If they do, they are just as wrong in engaging in heresy. Just as I expected.
  13. You're just playing games. Clearly you are not a believer and you just want to argue and attempt little gotchas. Atheist or agnostic? Usually you guys are like vegans or crossfitters with your willingness to proclaim your disbelief. I guess you can't do that and continue this little game. I am certainly imperfect and will be judged some day. I also have posted plenty of unkind and un-Christian things on this board and regret that. I am trying to do better. Luckily my sins are nailed to the cross and I am doing my best to walk with Christ. God uses all sorts of imperfect people to advance his kingdom. The scriptures are full of them. David -- who the Bible teaches was a "man after God's own heart" -- was a murderer and adulterer.
  14. Which of today’s interpretations, specially, do you believe are wrong? Or is this just some general platitude?
  15. You just answered. No follower of Christ would be ashamed to admit it. I suspected you were an anti-Christian non-believer who just wants to argue.
  16. You ignored my question on whether you’re a believer and took the time to delete my question from my post you quoted. Why did you do that? Why are you avoiding that simple question? i answered your question. You didn’t answer mine.
  17. Are you a believer? Do you have a daily walk with Christ? If so, I’d caution and admonish you on judging others. I don’t deserve salvation at all. I’m a wretched sinner. But I have it by God’s grace and through his son Jesus.
  18. “If there’s a heaven”? You don’t sound like you are a believer. If that’s the case, why do you care what I think the Bible teaches about the subject? Or that I have the audacity to believe gay marriage isn’t Biblical. I certainly don’t have any issue with gay marriage outside of my church. I’ve supported the legal right for gays to be married in the USA basically my entire adult life. I am not judging anyone. It’s not my business. Only God gets to judge his children. Other than responding to posts on surly, I spend no energy on the subject of homosexuality and the Bible. Of the thousands of sermons and Bible studies I’ve listened to or participated in, the subject just does not come up. I don’t understand why God’s word says what it does about homosexuality. It’s not for me to question. His ways are not mine. But I know what the Bible does say. And I won’t be involved in a church that contradicts biblical truth just so it can conform to the current world culture. Not going to happen. Other people can do what they want in their churches. Doesn’t affect me, my wife, or my children.
  19. Wrong. It’s never even discussed. It’s just something we don’t do. I also didn’t bring it up here. And gays in America are hardly weaker or marginalized. Pretty sure they on average have higher incomes and net worths than straights do.
  20. We have several gays that I know of. They know they cannot get married in our church as we believe it’s not biblical and a sin. No one is forced acknowledge anything to be welcome in church. So another straw man denied. Others are free to disagree. Isn’t my problem. It’s between them and God. Are you a believer? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior? Do you have a daily walk with Christ?
  21. Well yes. But I didn’t say that. He constructed a straw man. It falls apart at the first bullet point because I didn’t say that.
  22. Nope. Don't agree at all. All sinners are welcome at church. The church should teach the Bible and Biblical truths -- that homosexual sex is a sin. No different than any other sin.
  23. Nice try. I never said they’re not welcome at church. All sinners are welcome at church. If not, they’d be empty. But I won’t be a part of a church that condones any sin. Period.
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