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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. I have spent a lot of time on ranches in my 44 years. But we were spoiled with large fuel tanks of gas and diesel. Of course it was all ranch gas and diesel. And used 5 gallon jugs for smaller engines. Trying to drive 40 miles with a couple 55 gallon drums filled with gasoline in the back of a truck seems dangerous as shit to me. Explosion risk. And risk of losing a finger if you move it wrong.
  2. So the owner of our rental in Seaside pulled the house from the rental pool, so we are left without a place to go Spring Break. I am thinking about taking the tribe to Miami instead (kids need new passports and by the time we won't get them in time). Probably will just do a 4 night trip since I am busy at work and the 30a cancellation was a blessing. Want a good hotel on the beach in a good location. Not all that worried about cost. Anyone got anything? I have barely spent any time in Miami outside of connecting in the airport. Wife and me plus kids are ages 12 and 9.
  3. They weigh what, over 400 pounds when full? Sounds like a fuel truck delivering gas in the area could make some money.
  4. 95% of damages in a paralysis case are from future medicals -- namely lifetime nursing care.
  5. Aren't the Jews on the court pretty secular?
  6. Kids don't need masks or active shooter drills. If you bother to look at the data. The limited to non-existent benefit is not worth the anxiety and harm given the remote risk.
  7. Dos Brisas is really, really good. https://www.dosbrisas.com/restaurant/
  8. Sometimes there are murders and sometimes there are killin’s. This might be the latter.
  9. Which big lie? Russia collusion or something else?
  10. Was taken on 11/27/21 and sent to me next day
  11. Also, we and a lot of other places fly it anyway for game surveys. The marginal costs for hog hunting and shooting coyotes out of the helicopter that is already there is not that much. Landowners can also get with outfitters. Who will bring in pay hunters to pay costs of heli hunts on their and other nearby properties and have the bastards shot 100% on the recreational hunter's dime. Shooting them out of a copter and seeing a ranch from a copter is a blast. When I retire, which I intend to do in a few years, I am going to get my license and fly ranches for surveys and pig hunting.
  12. I keep a compact one in my truck than can jump start a tractor and charge your shit for days.
  13. It was last month. It's really bad in South Texas right now. Worse than it has ever been. Hence why Kamala won't set foot in South Texas.
  14. Yeah, they got in. Which is hard to do.
  15. Same as pretty much any Ivy League law school. They figure if you are smart/driven enough to get in, they don't need to weed you out.
  16. My friends that went there said it was pass fail and no one fails unless they don't show up for a final. They don't have grades or GPAs. You can get a high pass. Seems like same thing your graphic illustrates. You can't tell much from a Yale resume. I have seen plenty. Other than they got into Yale.
  17. right sized ones are damn tasty. But 98% that I have shot get left in the field. They get eaten quick enough. Circle of life.
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