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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. He supports the bill. He does not support jettisoning the filibuster.
  2. Manchin's approvals are double Biden's. This is why he doesn't give a fuck about what other Democrats think about him
  3. It also ignores the billions in severance taxes producers pay to the state of Texas every year. Subsidized my ass. They are targeted with special taxes other industries do not pay.
  4. That is not what the poll says. It asks what your party affiliation is - Dem, GOP or independent. And then do you lean Dem or GOP. Take it up with Gallup. It's their poll. I don't have a hard time believing a shift from independents and democrats to the GOP given the shit show that is Biden/Harris.
  5. Policing is local, so you really don't go by the state. Some localities tolerate crime a lot more than others do.
  6. Sounds like no big deal and the left should double down on bail reform, far left DAs and defunding the police.
  7. Can you snowflakes also report the LA Times and Politico https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-prosecutor-campaign-20180523-story.html https://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/george-soros-criminal-justice-reform-227519
  8. There will still be debates. It will just go back to campaigns negotiating directly over them. Like it was for a couple hundred years.
  9. No way. The Soros DAs have no impact on crime or law and order.
  10. Of course they have jurisdiction. California has lots of problems with tolerating theft. I am anti drug war. And wish our jails were cleared out so we could focus on warehousing the violent and career thieves.
  11. Need a sniper on duty. Don’t like thieves and hate litterbugs.
  12. Charge all people who make poor health choices more for health insurance. Fine with me. Obese. Illicit drug abusers. Anti-vaxxers. Motorcyclists. Alcoholics. Those who eat too much red meat. Smokers. Pill poppers. Most of us are probably in one of these. I’m betting the average 40 year old on here makes far worse health choices than refusing a vaccine that has about a .02 percent risk of a fatality for them.
  13. Nope. Great day for the Biden and Kamala dream team.
  14. I’m starting to understand how she failed the bar exam. Jesus what an idiot.
  15. You don't even need a shot to prevent those.
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