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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by lonestar3

  1. any sexy sheep out there?!? a/s/l? 36/m/atx
  2. Thanks for the response. Great news. Fishing should be really good right about then.
  3. We've got a business fishing trip scheduled for Thurs/Fri at Port O'Connor. Would we be ahead of the storm or should I go ahead and brace myself for a non-short work week?
  4. I had 4+ hours to kill in Barcelona this past Monday and so I paid 35 EUROS to go into their VIP Lounge. (No single airline.) 1 shower 1 hot lunch 2 tours of the snack setup 1 (or more) tours over the dessert set up 1 - 2 trips past the charcuterie set up Some samples of the ~9 wines (white/rosé/red/sparkling) Just photographed the beer fridge Can remember if I had a cafe con leche or a cappuccino from the coffee machine, but I wouldn't put it past me. Hung out in an oversized leather chair with pretty decent WiFi. I got my money's worth even without the shower & WiFi. Pretty nice for someone NOT flying 1st or Business and who isn't a club member of any airline.
  5. OK, it was a light-hearted commentary on an Internet message board poster’s recruiting priorities. But I do appreciate your timely reply. I’ll be sure to vet all my future comments through you to make sure I get your seal of approval.
  6. What's something you've purchased that many people may not know about that kicks the shit out of its competition. I'll begin. This little fucker is incredible: https://www.amazon.com/Roborock-Robotic-Connectivity-Navigating-Capacity/dp/B0792BWMV4/ref=sr_1_6?gclid=Cj0KCQjwocPnBRDFARIsAJJcf97TDbvlLOyUw0S5WCpf9ynxqRwlO3MF1sNMlh7mlau1lPCXBQ8XT9YaAi94EALw_wcB&hvadid=257475710589&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9028256&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t2&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5408110442607362243&hvtargid=aud-647006051489%3Akwd-458068974204&hydadcr=24664_10400964&keywords=roborock+s5&qid=1559351006&s=gateway&sr=8-6 Maps out your house so it's not just randomly bouncing off walls and doing triangle patterns all over your house like the cheaper versions. Well worth the money IMO.
  7. It was a joke at the very last part of his post. Pull your tampon out.
  8. Had to stop at this part: " the conversation hit a lull. Uncle Dick filled it."
  9. That guy is a fucking moron and should be shamed into Twitter oblivion. If I had to guess, I'd say he's an OB member.
  10. I must have missed the monumental momentum shift from when Ringo was spending Spring Breaks here. What gives?
  11. He did. This thing went absolutely sideways.
  12. What the fuck is going on here?
  13. Silver lining: I get to unfollow his shitbag brother now.
  14. That is a CSB. What year are we talking here?
  15. Love that this game is at home, where we have an actual game day atmosphere again. Also love that it's very early in the season given the holes in our depth.
  16. I wish one of those were true, but no, no allegiance other than my appreciation for the place. Our family/friend group loves the shit. We're there just about every weekend. It's been the only restaurant choice that we consistently agree upon. It's all subjective so who gives a shit? I just don't think that you and I, at all, agree on what should be judged when considering the best "all-around Mexican" food joint. My original post on this page was to challenge someone to give me better alternative for all-around Tex-Mex experience and I don't think that anything has been tossed out that qualifies.
  17. I enjoy your contributions in other threads but I hate you and wish for your shitty opinions to die on this one. Chuy's? GTFO.
  18. You said for Tex-Mex, homey. I didn't say Austin's best enchilada store.
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