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  1. MGM+ subscription through Prime. Watched it about a year ago. Thought it was excellent. It’s based off of the book written by Ben McIntyre, same guy that wrote Rogue Heroes (also on MGM+)
  2. Vince Street Carlisle Then Layne and Colt. Then a bunch of others.
  3. Kyle field is a joke. Shit stadium filled with shit fans.
  4. This is a conference game, albeit against a shit opponent. If Ewers is cleared, you play him. If the game is a blowout then put in Arch after the 1st series of the 2nd half.
  5. Looks like Marvel’s version of Suicide Squad.
  6. I liked it as much as the 1979 one. And the cast is ridiculously good (Donald Sutherland as Straker and Rutger Hauer as Barlow).
  7. Spoetzl


    Classes: nothing before 11. Beer: it’s your best friend, drink a lot of it. Women: you’re a freshman, so it’s pretty much out of the question. Do we have a car? Someone on your floor will. Find them and make friends with them on the first day. Words to live by.
  8. ER and Justified
  9. I appreciate the fact that Tilman’s 2 hires have been absolute failures. They had a pretty good and growing alumni base when Pezman showed up and tore that down in a Patterson-esque way. Apparently the final nail in the coffin was a scandal with the softball team involving (among other things) a player pulling a gun and putting it to another player’s head.
  10. Pierce is done. The only one that doesn’t realize it is Balcones. He was done when he assigned himself the pitching coach. Kind of like when Herman was done as soon as Sam was the only one on the field for The Eyes. Tomorrow or the next 2 weeks will be interesting.
  11. Buddy of mine got sworn in and we threw him a party today. Known him for a long time and found out he wasn’t already a citizen 2 years ago (he has been “in process” for years). He went through all of the hoops. He took the test. He wanted this more than anything. He got sworn in with people he knows “skipped the line”. And felt like he was being processed when he swore his allegiance to the USA. Neg me to oblivion, but the people that do it the way it is supposed to be done are frickin’ hreoes.
  12. Something I’ve enjoyed doing recently is mentioning that Texas State and UTSA will probably make it into the CFP before the aggies. When they start to argue, bring up the rule for G5 teams, and then offer to place a bet on it. They won’t, and it shuts them up. Plus the look on their face when it dawns on them that it is a very real possibility is priceless.
  13. Louisville Farva completely fucked up and the PD is in full damage control mode. The mayor stated there is zero body cam footage. They will eventually drop the charges stating not enough evidence to convict, but won’t apologize, I bet.
  14. Add Saoirse Ronan to the list
  15. Wasn’t a booster.
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